I moved from WA to VA. While I changed my zip code on my account a month ago (account shows VA zip code) I continue to get ads from WA businesses vs VA. Any suggestions?
@bristowest It looks like you may need to update the zip code we have on file for your account.
Generally, we target ads based on your registration information to provide more relevant advertisements. If you are receiving ads that aren't relevant to your current location, you might want to double-check the zip code registered on your Pandora account.
From a computer, you can change all your account information (including email, password and zip code) by visiting the Pandora website and signing in.
Next, click the icon (initial or picture) in the top right corner of the page and select Settings. Under Account you can make any necessary changes to your registration information, including your zip code.
Be sure to save your changes when you're done, and enter your password to confirm.
Hope this helps! 😁
@Bobjlandva Could you tell me a bit more about what is happening? Are you listening to Pandora on a computer or on a device?
Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝
I'm also having the same problem (Maine to California) I'm using a Windows Desktop HP computer (new) and I'm on your website. My vocal ads are from Maine.... yuk
@bristowest It looks like you may need to update the zip code we have on file for your account.
Generally, we target ads based on your registration information to provide more relevant advertisements. If you are receiving ads that aren't relevant to your current location, you might want to double-check the zip code registered on your Pandora account.
From a computer, you can change all your account information (including email, password and zip code) by visiting the Pandora website and signing in.
Next, click the icon (initial or picture) in the top right corner of the page and select Settings. Under Account you can make any necessary changes to your registration information, including your zip code.
Be sure to save your changes when you're done, and enter your password to confirm.
Hope this helps! 😁
Same problem.
@kmull002 It looks like you may need to update the zip code we have on file for your account.
Generally, we target ads based on your registration information to provide more relevant advertisements. If you are receiving ads that aren't relevant to your current location, you might want to double-check the zip code registered on your Pandora account.
From a computer, you can change all your account information (including email, password and zip code) by visiting the Pandora website and signing in.
Next, click the icon (initial or picture) in the top right corner of the page and select Settings. Under Account you can make any necessary changes to your registration information, including your zip code.
Be sure to save your changes when you're done, and enter your password to confirm.
Hope this helps!