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Android 12: Issues since updating OS

Local Performer

i have issues since my lg v60 phone updated to Android 12 earlier this year. Pandora is my main source of music.


battery drains so fast and it's only with Pandora. if I use tidal or Poweramp my battery life is fine.


if I take a photo, not right after, but the app closes on its own in the next 60 seconds. every time 100% of the time. 


if I make/take a short enough phone call that the music should auto resume, it encounters the same problem as with taking a photo


does anyone else happen to use an android 12 lg v60?


I've tried to uninstall and reinstall but issue persists 


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3 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, @mandying. 👋

Thanks for reporting this, and sorry to hear that you're having trouble.

Something to note, the sound settings of each app are set by the needs of the app and cannot be altered. So, if you are playing a game or using an app that requires sound, the audio from Pandora may pause. It's not possible for us to override the sound settings, or any other functions of another app.


Troubleshooting + Device Details:

Let's try running through our standard troubleshooting steps to clear the app data on your device: Android Troubleshooting

If you continue to experience issues with this, can you send over a bit more info about your device so that I can report this?

  • Model:
  • Carrier:
  • Android version (Settings > About Phone):
  • Pandora version:
    • If you can open Pandora, go to Profile, then select Settings. Scroll to the bottom of the screen for the version number.
    • If you can't open Pandora: from Android Home screen > Android Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > Find Pandora

Are you connected to Wi-Fi or cellular data when this is happening?

Have any error messages popped up?

Let me know. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Local Performer

the problem still persists after clearing data.


there is never an error message, it just randomly shuts down 30-60 seconds after taking a pic and drains my battery a lot compared to when I was on android 11. i don't think I have the option to run android 11 because of my carrier. 


model: lg v60 

carrier: TMobile

android version: 12 (says software version is V600TM30e)

Pandora version: 2210.2 (android tuner 22101002)

thanks for helping. was never a problem until I got updated to Android 12 and it's been a constant problem since 

Pandora Moderator - Emeritus
Pandora Moderator - Emeritus

Hi @mandying 

Thanks for updating us with your device info and your experience.

I've passed this along to the appropriate parties for further investigation. We'll follow up with you if we need any additional details.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Gerald | Community Moderator
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