Hey, @EddieVilla. 👋
You can sort your content from the My Collection page.
If you'd like to see alphabetical sorting from a mobile device with Premium, feel free to check out this existing idea here: Ideas: More sorting options for Premium (playlists, stations, albums, etc)
Thanks so much for posting on the community! 🎹
Hey, @EddieVilla. 👋
You can sort your content from the My Collection page.
If you'd like to see alphabetical sorting from a mobile device with Premium, feel free to check out this existing idea here: Ideas: More sorting options for Premium (playlists, stations, albums, etc)
Thanks so much for posting on the community! 🎹
When I try to sort my stations there is no carat at the far right of the screen.
@KeeneBecker Would it be possible to send over a screenshot of what you are seeing?
You can add it in a reply to this message.
Thanks for working with me on this!
There is no way to sort collected stations, albums, songs, etc. alphabetically. See attached screenshot:
@KeeneBecker Thanks for following up.
I moved your post to this thread since you are attempting to sort your stations on your Android device.
To clarify, there isn't currently a way to further sort your stations by A-Z; only Artists are listed alphabetically by default at this time.
If you'd like to see alphabetical sorting from a mobile device with Premium, feel free to check out this existing feature suggestion: More sorting options for Premium.
Just make sure to leave a comment with your specific feedback, and give the thread a ❤️to express your interest in getting it added to the service as well.
Hope this helps!
Pandora, get your app updated! It's ridiculous that we can't flip a playlist order in reverse or be able to sort in various ways like by artist, year, or whatever. A playlist that only plays the way you originally built it get really stale really fast. Come on, I'm PAYING for this make it worth it.
Wow that's surprisingly shocking Pandora doesn't offer such a simple feature. Mind blown. I have premium and am frustrated such a simple feature wasn't integrated in the very beginning. Wonder why the CEO hasn't pushed for this.
So dumb, you should be able to long-press a station on mobile, and drag it to wherever you want to place it. Like moving Roku channels around. Really lame.
Can you Alphabetically your Albums on Pandora?
Hi there, @Bunnickula01. 👋
Thanks for posting in the Pandora Community!
To keep everything organized, I moved your post over to this existing thread: Android: Sorting my Collection on Premium
Unfortunately, you can't currently sort your collection by A-Z; only Artists are listed alphabetically by default at this time.
Please check out the accepted solution for this thread for more details.
Hope to see you around the community space more often. 🎧