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Local Performer

Mode option disappeared from my phone. No longer has 'My Station' window at top of Now Playing page. Please help. I've dumped data, uninstalled and reinstalled the app to no avail. Was on wife's phone  (same model - Samsung galaxy j3 Emerge) and now is gone.

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3 Replies


@HCH01 To clarify, are the various Modes missing from all of your stations, or just some of them?

If only some, can you please let me know the names of those stations?

Also, please send me a screenshot of what you are seeing.

Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝

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Local Performer
  • All stations. No window showing the mode appears at the top of the page. Nothing to see on a screenshot other than the standard page for unsubscribers. BTW, I'm a Premium member.
0 Kudos


@HCH01 Thanks for following up.

A screenshot of what you are seeing on your end would still be helpful for us.

Please grab a screenshot of the now playing screen, and send that in a reply to this thread.

Thanks again for all the help with this! 

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