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A Word Of Encouragement For Your Day.

We all need to be encouraged from time to time, I will try my utmost to post a word of encouragement for each day for us to have with us throughout our day. I hope this will help not only myself but for you as well.


ca533c401acb5cba8e1645814b173379.jpg sometimes we all need to be reminded of what is more important in our lives. Today reflect on those who you love, and those who love you.

Have a great day and a great weekend. Take care dear friend and stay safe. 

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307 Replies

@Erila27th14w1 way to many people in this world are cruel, filled with anger, and hatred, way to many people judge others based on outward appearances. I want you to read this verse, and not just read it but keep it with you always.

1 Samuel 16:7b "for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart." (KJV) 

The heart is the true being of a person, that is where the life of a person flows from. So those people who call you names and, make fun of you, they are the ones with the heart problem. It's the heart that shows the true beauty of a person, never forget that, not ever. 

You take care my dear friend, and stay safe. 


Diamond in the Rough

@MOHLovesAlaska that is sooo sooo true I've been called many names that I won't say but they were all wrong. They said them bc I'm different, someone who didn't know me but knew I was Christian said its bc they can see the light of Jesus in me. And that it makes people uncomfortable cuz they don't know what makes me-me and I gotta say it's our Lord Jesus. I lost a job last summer people lied and got me fired. That's when the person told me that. Its bc the light of Jesus shines through me. she then said don't ever loose that in ur heart. Keep the Lord close and told me I will find the job for me soon!!! I feel God put that person there to tell me that at that moment. Never stop praying 🙏  praise God any chance you get! Love yall God bless you friends:)


Thank you @MOHLovesAlaska  and @Ricky101. I really appreciate it and @Ricky101, I`m really sorry about getting fired from your job. I really am!!!! I hope we can be in touch and become friends one day. If you want, if not, then, I`ll understand. But, thank you @MOHLovesAlaska and @Ricky101.

Diamond in the Rough

@Erila27th14w1 ur welcome and thank you. I am in the process of getting a job where I work w dogs!


Oh, really @Ricky101???? I love dogs. They are so cute and adorable. Do you love dogs too???

Diamond in the Rough

@Erila27th14w1 yes I do love dogs, I'm like an animal magnet I'm like snow white they all just love me. I'm a huge animal lover 

Good Monday afternoon dear friend.

Peace was never meant to be experienced as a privilege, but by a way of every day life. Peace begins with me. Excuse me! Could you please repeat that!

The leaders of the world must be deaf, as well as illiterate. 

Have a wonderful day dear friend, take care and stay safe.



Diamond in the Rough

Thank you @MOHLovesAlaska I love ur encouragement messages everyday ❤️ 

Good Tuesday morning dear friend.

The greatest medicine that has the ability to heal is not the prescription pill you swallow, but the ability one has to bring smiles, and laughter into the life of another.

Have a great Tuesday dear friend, take care and stay safe.


Good Wednesday morning dear friend.

Selfishness is not wanting your needs fulfilled, but wanting more than you need while forgetting the needs of those you love. Don't ever become the one that forgets the needs of others while you fulfill your wants. You're not a "RASCAL", are you? 

Have a great Wednesday dear friend, take care and stay safe.


Good Thursday morning dear friend.

Sometimes the greatest way to end an argument is to forgo the need of having to have the last word. The most rare attribute in a person is humbleness. Humbleness, my dear friend is not weakness, it means you have great strength to control what the majority cannot, your emotions to act or react when you're in a hostile atmosphere. 

Humbleness puts out fires, pridefulness is the fuel that keeps it raging.

Have a great Thursday dear friend, take care and stay safe.


Good Friday morning dear friend.

When choosing a place to go out on a date, choose a place that doesn't have televisions. Are you going out to spend time with your date, or a place that causes distractions? And to really show your date the utmost respect, leave your cellphone in the glove box of your car, hopefully they will do the same, and if not, just be sure that you do. 

The way so many people are with cellphones today is ridiculous, they should've married them instead of a person.  (Side Note: I've not had a cellphone since 9/26/08 and that is something I will never have again.) 

Have a great day dear friend, and a wonderful weekend. Take care and stay safe.


Good Monday morning dear friend. 

You will never be able to please everyone in all that you do, never step out of yourself to try and please everyone, because the simple fact is not everyone will appreciate what you do anyway. 

Have a great Monday dear friend. Take care and stay safe.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for today's post, @MOHLovesAlaska. Have a wonderful Monday and start to your week! 🌻

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Good Tuesday morning dear friend.

We all have had those days, those moments when we felt ugly, unloved, unappreciated. Times when we just felt like our whole world was against us, or collapsing upon us. Well, let me just say this my dear friend, for one you're beautiful, in no way shape or form are you ugly. And two, my dear friend you are truly loved, just take a moment and reflect on those in your life that are close to you, and you will know that you are loved. As far as feeling unappreciated, perhaps at this very moment you are. But believe me there is coming a day that you will become "GREATLY " appreciated for all that you do, and all that you have done. Just because we may think what we do goes unnoticed or unseen, it isn't, believe me. 

 Just keep moving forward my dear friend.

  Have a great day, take care dear friend and stay safe.

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Good Wednesday afternoon dear friend. 

Being in a relationship where you have complete trust, and total faith in each other is like having heaven on earth. A worry free relationship is such a blessing to have. 

If you're not experiencing that kind of relationship, dear friend then you need to re-evaluate what needs to be changed, what course of action should be taken, and the consequences of those actions. 

Have a great day dear friend, take care and stay safe.


Good Monday morning dear friend. 

Are you struggling to keep your family close? Perhaps your searching for answers to keep your family close. Well my dear friend, have you tried to start weekly tradition in your home? Designate a night for family movie night, take turns choosing a movie. You could also plan a family get together for family dinner night, one night every week. 

When I was a little fella my dad would bring home pizza dough every Friday night, and we would make homemade pizza as a family. Any dough leftover we would make fried dough. Those are some of my best childhood memories. I wish I could get those Friday nights back. 

Dear friend, you and your family can start making those same kind of great memories, start this week making plans for your own family tradition. You'll be happy 😊 you did. 

Have a great day dear friend, take care and stay safe.

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Good Tuesday morning dear friend.

Measuring your ability to accomplish the impossible with the thought that it is, my dear friend, then the impossible will always be unreachable. Come on! That is not who you are. 

My friend, you and I were created to achieve great goals by accomplishing the impossible. 

Have a great Tuesday dear friend, take care and stay safe.


Good Wednesday morning dear friend. 

The first month of the school year is completed, so parents, let me ask you, how are your children doing in school so far? I'm not asking about their school work, I am asking about their emotional, and mental health. Bullying is a very serious issue that needs to be dealt with immediately. Bullying is also one of the leading causes for young people, and children to commit suicide. 

Parents please become more active in your relationship with your children, by doing so you will know the signs of trouble when they arise. 

Have a great day dear friend, take care and stay safe.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for sharing these words of encouragement, @MOHLovesAlaska

Have a wonderful Thursday! ☀️

Alyssa | Community Manager
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