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Daily Bible Verse

Up & Coming Artist

Hi so I get a daily Bible verse on my Bible app everyday and I thought I would share it with you guys so this is the verse.

Dear children don't talk about love.Put your love into action.Then it will truly be love.

              1 John 3:18 NIRV 

So those who don't really understand it it's basically means don't talk about how much you love people and then you don't show love and the last part of it it is basically meaning show love to everyone around you. But ya I hope this might help someone. If you like the verse just put #loveeveryone






138 Replies

Chart Topper

@Alphagirl I agree with @MOHLovesAlaska . I have a post that I do every Wednesday. But yesterday was busy for me and I updated the post today. It's great that you've helped get more conversations going since you joined us. The song game has really been a hit. If you need to post just once a week, that will still be fine.

Up & Coming Artist

Hey so I'm gonna tell you what's been happening so I've been in the hospital if you sole that on one of my old posts so what happened was I got in a really bad car crash and ya and the reason I have to move the verses to once a week is cause I have some family problems going on so ya. And I just wanna say sorry if it gets to a point where I have to stop posting and not be on here

Chart Topper

@Alphagirl I just hope you're all right. Take what time you need. Posting in the community  can wait.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Wishing you a speedy recovery, @Alphagirl. Hope everything is okay. 

We enjoy your posts but your health and family is important. See ya around! 💛

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Up & Coming Artist

I'm recovered but I don't think you guys know what I meant I meant if the family stuff gets worse I may have to leave the community 

@Alphagirl I first want to say, I am truly happy you're okay and nothing serious happened to you from the car accident. Secondly is this, if you do leave the community, just know this Sj, you'll always have a friend here. I will always be here if you need an ear or if you just want to chat. You have my personal email so use it whenever you feel like reaching out. I will keep in touch with you on my end, just wanted you to know that. You take care Sj, and stay safe. 

P.S. it is my hope you don't leave the community, you have made a great impact on it since you came. Best wishes, your friend Matt. 


Up & Coming Artist

Thanks Matt, and here's the verse of the week 



Look to the Lord and to his strength. Always look to him. 

1 Chronicles 16:11 NIRV 


We this verse means to me is that trust in God he's got your back so don't worry. That's all for today thanks guys for all your support with stuff and I would really appreciate it if you would pray for my dog his hurt his paw really bad and he has a infection in his ear but anyways bye guys peace ✌🏻.


Up & Coming Artist

Sorry if my writing is a little messed up my phone has a bad glitch and it won't let me fix the miss typeo

@Alphagirl great verse and I will pray for your dog, and you that your family life will greatly improve. Take care Sj and stay safe. 


Up & Coming Artist

Thanks everyone who prayed he's doing a lot better nugget got his cone off today and I will be doing the verse every Wednesday 


 hes much happier thank you again 


Happy to hear he's doing better, @Alphagirl! 🐶

Up & Coming Artist

Hey so here's today's verse

I have hidden your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you.

Psalm 119:11 NIRV 

So this means to me is actually try your best not to lie cause as sinners that's what we are best at but we need God in are life the best decision you can ever make is to follow God and if you do you want to try and show others the love you found from him. Well I'm gonna go cya soon ✌🏻


Opening Act

I love it! Good to see more of the Faithful.#loveeveryone 





Up & Coming Artist

Hey so I will be starting this back up but I won't do it on the weekend ok so here is the verse of the day 


Those whose hearts understand what is right get knowledge.Thats because the ears of those who are wise listen for it.

Proverbs 18:15 NIRV



Ok so what I think this means is we need to have a sense of what is right and wrong and that we still need to be seeking in him and wanting to seek him and get more knowledge it's kinda hard to understand so if I'm wrong please tell me what you think it means and please don't send hate comments in this.


Thank you so much! Don't stop & don't let anyone put you down. When Jesus went to John after his exile, Jesus came to him in Spirit form and gave him (us) only one thing to accomplish in our life on earth...tell everyone you meet of My works, what you've seen I can do and have done. In other this techy, self-complicating life we only have 1 simple thing to do and you are doing it! Telling people about Jesus, salvation, eternal life. Life can still get messy since Satan working overtime cuz he knows he's a short timer. You never know who's going to read your 1st time and I needed it. It's important to stay in the Word daily (not always faithful to that). I won't bug y'all with my unwanted "issues", but God seems to know what I need to get me to the next day safely. Here's my fav....feel free to use it.

God will fight for you, you need only to be still" Exo. 14:14

It's carved on my porch & hangs at my back door. Thank you for the interpretation as well, it helps at times even though one verse can mean different things to another depending on how God gives it to you. I pray for understanding before I read. Can be very confusing! So I just wanted to thank you and take the time to tell you I appreciate what you are doing. It's the only reason we're here. God Bless you


If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem.

Up & Coming Artist

Thank you @Dreamz that means alot to me I have to be honest its hard to keep up and read the Bible sometimes I miss it and it's fine and thanks for the verse I may use it I already have this week verses planned but I may add it to next weeks 

God bless you ✌🏻

@Dreamz Psalm 46:10, Psalm 91, 1Samuel 16:7b, 1Thessalonians 2:12, Matthew 26:41, Luke 1:37. These few are just some of my favorites. Thanks for posting, take care and stay safe. 

P.S. My Bible translation that I read from is the KJV. In case you happened to be curious of the translation I use. Be safe. 



I'm trying to send Alphagirl a private message. So if this goes public instead....oops? Lol.

I noticed that you are in a daily demand for those that expect, count on and probably is a bigger part of their life than realized. If you need a ghost poster let me know. I'm no scholar, but learning (finally) to hear that whisper whereas God would need to put a billboard up before I realized He was trying to answer a prayer or give me a blessing. I just turned 60 so I've gone through some stuff I shouldn't have lived through. Lately my faith had been wavering and God is allowing some misfortunes, a legal matter involving overwhelming harassment &daily torment and the loss of immediate and unresolved issues, etc. But my God gives me the armor and if I'd just learn to keep mouth shut and be still, I'd probably hear Him. Well I've come such a far way in my faith. I stand humbled knowing He's got my back. I see those little things that has a way of faith renewal & strengthening. I used to type my dad's sermons every Saturday night and was blessed with that privilege,  although as a teenager didn't look at it that way then, but one thing I've learned here in the past few years of that this guy felt deserving and entitled to strip me of my privacy rights knowing sheriff's haven't done a thing, God has a way of preparing us not always in the most pleasant ways. Why? Not for us to know, but He never makes mistakes and there's a reason for this. Didn't mean to word vomit there, just felt compelled to touch base for some reason in case you needed help. Let me know if this went private. If so you're more than welcome to text me as long as this is egit & genuine. I've learned to trust no one and that's not who I am. I have pandora on daily to drown out the thick volatile negative energy all around. I'm Jenn, btw. Tanks again.

If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem.

@Dreamz good evening, I want you to know your message did not go private (you may have figured that out already). You can click on her user name and it will give you that option. Just thought you would like to know. Take care and stay safe. 


Up & Coming Artist

Hey @Dreamz @ as you can see from what@MOHLovesAlaska said it is not private but if needed I can private you if that helps