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Fine tune my pandora station

Local Performer

Choosing a mode to fine tune my pandora station


Moderator edit: edited title for clarity

10 Replies

Opening Act
I’ve done something unique for my Pandora Plus listening. One station seeded with nearly 200 artists.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Marialconnors

My two favorite modes are Discovery and Artist Only to fine-tune my stations. 

You can also check out this great article about modes here.

Enjoy! Smiley Happy

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Opening Act
For the genre stations, I'll switch to Deep Cuts to pick up songs from favorite artists I wouldn't normally hear on My Station. switch to Discovery to hear new artists then change back to My Station to listen to how it's changed. It's fun to change the modes and the cycle refines the station as I go. For the artists stations, use Discovery mode and add an artist seed if you find something you really like. Multiple similar artists can get interesting.

Local Performer

It says it's available for iOS/Android,  but I've never seen that as an option. I'm running 1910.2 on Android. Is there something i'm missing? I'd really like to use these tune features on mobile.

0 Kudos


Has Modes been around for a while, maybe in a/b?  I only just now got it. 

Opening Act

Possibly? I've had modes on desktop for a while but only got it on iOS kinda recently. Even now, some of my stations don't have a modes option.


It would be useful if there were sliders and you could mix in some deep cuts, discovery, artists only, crowd favs and newly released on the same station so you get a variety of everything. For example I would like to add some deep cuts periodically on the "My Station" so it would be nice if there was a "frequency" slider for that to be mixed in based on your preference. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey there, @samurai331. 👋

Thanks so much for posting on the community!

If you'd like to see more options implemented within the modes feature, feel free to create a feature request here.

Hope to see you around the community more often. 🎼

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Opening Act

You can ask how many likes are needed in a certain mode for the station to start changing? Maybe 2 or more? How did you get so many artists, did you just listen in Discovery Mode, click Like, and then just remove duplicate artists from the station itself?


mod edit: format


Opening Act

I think the responsiveness of a station to a new thumbs up depends on the total number of ratings. A single thumbs up can get lost among dozens or hundreds of ratings but the station will notice after three or four. I had a station ignore an artist featured in the station art. One thumb in discovery mode didn't make a difference among a few dozen. The artist began appearing in the my station mode after three thumbs and now shows up regularly.