I just want to say happy 4th of July to all fellow Pandorians. This is my first 4th of July as a Pandorian customer. To Erick, Adam, Alyssa, and TannerPandora..have a great 4th of July. Take care and stay safe..I also want to say thanks for all who gave me some great compliments and good feedback on different post here in the Pandora community. Take care and stay safe..
Thank you, @MOHLovesAlaska.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend! 🎆
Happy Fourth of July @MOHLovesAlaska! Have a great weekend! 🎉
Ditto on the staying safe part. Happy July 4th weekend! Also, Pandorians? Is that what we are? Sounds super cool, like Mandalorians... I am a Pandorian.
A DJ Panda, in it's natural habitat... If a panda listened to Pandora, it would be a PANDA-rian. And if a panda was a Mandalorian, it would be a PANDA-lorian.
And if a song was called Panda, it would be by Desiigner.
Happy 4th, and stay safe everyone! And thanks to the mods for all their hard work.
thank you