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Introduce Yourself


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Welcome to the Pandora Community! Whether you've been a long-time Pandora listener or are new to our platform, we'd like to take the time to welcome you to the Pandora family!


We'd also like to take this time to hear from you! Share a picture of yourself below (if you feel comfortable doing so) and add the following so we have a better understanding of who you are:


  • Name?
  • Where you're from?
  • What your favorite genre of music is?
  • What you're currently listening to?
  • A favorite feature of the Pandora service?


We hope to hear from many of you and hope that your Pandora Community experience is a memorable one. 🎧

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1,466 Replies


Thank you so much! Very happy to be here.

Opening Act


Your social disclaimer may only be recognized in several states. Only valid in continental US 


Opening Act
It works in the states I travel, live & work in, and have fun in. It also
happens to be the simplest way of putting it into words. I tend to be
concise whenever possible as to avoid misinterpretions or misunderstandings.

Local Performer
  • Name? Kent Osbourne
  • Where you're from? Jackson, Ga.
  • What your favorite genre of music is? Gospel
  • What you're currently listening to? Lacrae
  • A favorite feature of the Pandora service? I am able to discover new artist/soF36EC65A-0210-4573-8DAE-78419BC3D9B1.JPGngs.
kent Osbourne


Hi @kentosbourne, welcome to the Pandora community!

I really love that feature too! Is there any artist that you have discovered through Pandora that has become now part of your go-to's?

For me it would be Ella Mai, and now I even have a station based on her.

Opening Act
No. However, Pandora has allowed me to explore their music much easier.

Opening Act

Name- Harrison but I go by arson online

Where you're from- Charleston, SC

Favorite genre of music- Definitely a tie between some alternative rap like Tyler the Creator or Detroit rap like Icewear Vezzo or JDot Breezy.

Currently listening to- 2014 Forest Hills Drive (go check out my thread I listen to an album a day and rate them)

A favorite feature of pandora- definitely offline listening it's so convenient to do when I'm on a road trip or something


(⸝⸝๑ ̫ ๑⸝⸝⸝)


Hi Arson @Rxnin, Welcome to the community!

Yes, I have seen your thread: Album Recommendations per Day

I don't really know about rap like in general, but I like exploring new music so I will check it out later.

Also if you also have any other suggestions I'll be happy to hear them out!

Diamond in the Rough

Hey pandora community! My name’s Val. I’m from Michigan. And don’t judge, but I like to listen to sad songs to see if they’ll make me cry. Right now I’m listening to Halsey. Love her! Also, I really like this community thing. I think it’s pretty’s cool.

@Val_K nice intro... Happy to see some new community members here... 

You like sad songs because of the emotional draw... That is why music is so loved... It speaks to our inner being... Try this song... Perhaps you have already heard it... But in case you haven't here it is...

Sad Songs (Say So Much) by Elton John... Enjoy the song...

Take care and GOD bless...

0 Kudos

Up & Coming Artist

My name is Braiden Chapman, I moved around a lot. I was born in St. Louis, then I moved to Stockton with my step dad, then I moved to Springfield, and now I currently live in Pleasant Hope. My favorite genre of music is probably Pop, Rap, a little country, definitely Rhianna. Right now I am currently listening to the Kid Loroi.


Hi everyone, just wanted to introduce myself recently discovered the community in the midst of utilizing the AMP tool. Excited to connect with everyone here and explore all Pandora has to offer. 

  • Name? Kevin "Zips" Zulueta dsc04044.JPEG
  • Where you're from? Miami, FL
  • What your favorite genre of music is? Pop, Hip Hop, Punk, & R&B
  • What you're currently listening to? Currently Listening to Late Nights FM (Pandora Station) 
  • A favorite feature of the Pandora service? The algorithmic suggestions discovered a lot of music using Pandora. 


Welcome everyone to the Pandora Community!

We are happy to see you all around. Please feel free to check out our Community Guidelines so we can keep a welcoming environment for everyone.

Hi @Val_K , nice to meet you! I have seen you on other posts as well, including the one for the Playlist Challenges. Hope you can share a few of them with us!

And there's nothing to judge, I think is really cool that you look for songs you can really connect on a deep emotional level. My BFF does that but with movies. I also like sad songs but only when I'm in a very specific mood. I mostly I like songs that make me feel powerful, since I used to have a lot of self-steem issues that became part of my routine. I have a better self-steem now but this is still part of my musical preferences.

Hi @braidenchapman , I have also seen you around quite a lot lately! Glad to see you here too.
I think Rihanna is a really good singer, what's your favorite song from her? For me I think my favorite from her is Love On The Brain.

Hi @zips1990 ! Nice to see Artists interact with the community and thanks for sharing your station. Please feel free to share your Pandora profile too so more people can get yo know your music.

I listened to a couple of your songs and I really liked The Squid Game.
Hope to see more of you!


I am A 71 year old California gold discovery area prospector lives alone on a mountain . I just got a BMW X5 that has the Pioneer audio set up. Listening to my era of rock and roll has never sounded so good! I was just down in Death Valley and pandora was my co-piolet most the way down and back.

Up & Coming Artist

Mine is either Only girl in the world or S&M.

Opening Act




From Smyrna TN 

I love the algorithm of Pandora. 

I'm actually enjoying Christmas music at the moment, but typically love anything like Jack Johnson. 



@guitarlancer Yes! This is the holiday season... Here is my Christmas & Holiday playlist... I hope you like it... I also hope to see you around the community more...

download.jpg Christmas & Holiday Music Playlist. by MOHLovesAlaska... Enjoy the music...

Take care and GOD bless...


Opening Act

Sweet Thanks for Sharing! If you happen to be interested, please consider supporting any of my music artist tracks in your playlist. 

Grab a hot chocolate and Check out Allen & Bright Holiday 🙂

@guitarlancer I will do that... Wishing you well...

Have a blessed day... Take care and GOD bless...


Local Performer



Love All Music 🎶 but I have to say Rock is my fav 😉😉

Breakdown( Tom Petty)

The MUSIC 🎶 🎶 

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