Welcome to the Pandora Community! Whether you've been a long-time Pandora listener or are new to our platform, we'd like to take the time to welcome you to the Pandora family!
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We hope to hear from many of you and hope that your Pandora Community experience is a memorable one. 🎧
Thank you very much @MariaPandora for listening to our album, and your kind words and support mean a lot 🙏
We believe guitar can cater to pretty much every mood, so I'm glad "Seafoam Green" is matching your current one 🙂 "Satin Black" could be great for a date or Valentine's Day playlist maybe. "Artic White" has a clear cozy/Christmas feeling to it; I'll have a look at the thread, it's always a good idea to have some cozy songs ready when you need it ! 🙂
Has anyone seen the butcher? If not then I guess I will....be quiet and drive...unanswered 😁😁
@TheGuitarTwins , I think I have said this before on other posts, and even at risk of seeming like an automatic response, but I'm always glad to see artists interacting with our community and it is also nice to see the new releases that all of you make. And I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only ones as I can see how it can help other members of the community members and inspire other people, just like @MrRelevance mentioned.
Speaking of Tim , I'm glad to see you around here @MrRelevance! I get you, as I was mentioning to Phillipe, is nice to find artists to inspire you to learn more about an instrument and serve as example when you start playing. You may want to check out these two threads to find more inspiration or if you'd like to share some songs with us: #1 blues guitar solo and Celebrate International Guitar Month 🎸.
Hope you have a great journey with your guitar, so you can even, after some practice, play different covers for Amy's songs!
@Wrldcomingtoae , welcome to the Pandora Community! To get you started I would recommend you to check out our Community Guidelines. Please feel free to explore our different spaces and let us know if you have any question!
I get that your favorite artist may be Deftones? Is this right? Please feel free to share anything about yourself so we can get yo know you a bit better! Also what's your favorite album by Deftones? Mine is Diamond eyes.
Hi @ShellNae , welcome to the Pandora Community! We are happy to hear you enjoy the flexibility it gives you to listen to your favorite music!
Let us know if you have any question and also please feel free to share about your favorite artists and songs!
See you around!
Bah Humbug!! lol
Hi @DanRae25 , welcome to the Pandora Community!
Please feel free to post your questions regarding your subscription on the Subscriptions space. Our moderators are constantly checking the different spaces and will get back to you ASAP.
@MrRelevance Thank you so much for that comment, it means the world to us 😍 That's so cool that you picked up the guitar and teaching yourself, I'm sure you'll have an amazing journey with this instrument ! 🎸
@MariaPandora Thank you for your kind words 🙏 Very happy to be part of this community. First because, before being musicians, we're music lovers, and Pandora is great to discover new music. And also because, as I said in my first post, it's important that listeners realize that Pandora is really standing out as a music streaming service. Much more supportive to emerging artists, giving a real chance to be discovered, not promoting "fake" artists like the most popular streaming platform out there. And with a great, human team behind it. The choices you make as a listener are important, not all streaming services are equal, and those who are here definitely made the good choice 😊
Good to meet you Buck
Moderator's edit: Merged posts
Moderator's edit: Removed personal info
my name is JoeJoe, im new here, hi to eberyone and thanks for letting me be a part of your community. Im from Bloomington, Indiana. I listen to everything. I love all music.
Moderator's edit: Removed solicitation.
Hi I'm Rain Webber and I live in LA I like emo music I went to Music school and I am working on songwriting and being a song artist my favorite color is black and red and right now I am listening to Violent Nature by Tx2
Hi RavenRainWebber Welcome! I'm MadMusicYo.. Or Chester I live north Idaho and an jamming out too some Alice In Chains this morning & other alternative/Rock. Have a great day 😀
Welcome Joe, I understand Music all Music moves me at any given Time! Welcome.
OMG I love them! Hope you have a great day too!
Thanks you too!
Your welcome!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Patrick from fn freezing Minnesota!