Welcome to the Pandora Community! Whether you've been a long-time Pandora listener or are new to our platform, we'd like to take the time to welcome you to the Pandora family!
We'd also like to take this time to hear from you! Share a picture of yourself below (if you feel comfortable doing so) and add the following so we have a better understanding of who you are:
We hope to hear from many of you and hope that your Pandora Community experience is a memorable one. 🎧
Thank you,I appreciate That!
Name: Jay
Location - SoCal
Favorite music? uh - I have stations named "Jethro Tull", Waylon Jennings", "The Wallflowers", "Judy Collins", "Dire Straights", "Strawbs", "Robin Trower", "Tenth Avenue North", "Jars of Clay", a few flavors of classic, and assorted others.
But sorry - no rap, no hip-hop.
Listening to now? Jethro Tull/Molly Hatchett.
Favorite feature? Learning about artists, finding new ones. Letting the music run without commercials for a very minimal cost.
Welcome to the Community, @jay_m!
Thanks for sharing your introduction with us, and we hope to see you around some more. 😎
Hey, @Sweetmoma!
Hope you are having a great weekend. 😁
Hi my name is David and I am from Norfolk, VA, My favorite Genre is rap/hip hop I am listening to Blood//Water by Grandson, My favorite part about pandora is you can get free pandora premium by watching an ad.
Hey there, @dvaughn2261. 👋
Thanks so much for joining the Pandora Community
I love the free sessions of Premium as well.
Happy to have you as a member and listener - hope to see you around more often. 🎧
Welcome to the Pandora Community, @Eleis. 👋 Nice to see you around.
Feel free to check out our Playlist Swap to see what other's are listening to, and to share your faves. 🎶
Hi, @PDH. 👋
Thanks for introducing yourself to the Pandora Community. You can find my introduction here.
LoFi tunes are nice and I listen to them often. I also enjoy mellow electronic music with R&B / Jazz influences.
Look forward to seeing you around the community space more often! 🎵
Thank you very much. Really appreciate it.
Continued peace.
I’m jimbobbilly it’s good to be here
I’m jimbobilly. From tiny town in WESTERN New York. BILLS COUNTRY!! I love listening to classic rock when working out! Thanks Pandora!
Welcome to the Pandora Community, @Kimbobillydick!
Thanks for introducing yourself.
We hope to see you around the community space more often. 🎧
@psg36 Pedro, I've loved Bossa nova since it was introduced in the USA during my college years, 1956-69. Four of those were in the USAF, but I got my masters in 1969 and ordination as a Reform Rabbi. I love jazz, and consider boss nova as a first cousin, equally pleasing and entertaining, usually with a very lyrical sound.
| Faceless |
Name: Most People Just Call Me 'Icy' Or 'Ice'. Don't Really Tell People My Real Name.. Ever
Where Are You From: Planet Earth
Favorite Genre Of Music: I Listed To Everything. From Lofi To Rap. I Write Music In All Styles Too
What Are You Currently Listening To: CORPSE & Wilbur Soot (I Watch Their Streams / Youtube Too)
Favorite Feature On Pandora: Don't Really Have One. I Usually Use Spotify, But It's Blocked On My School Computer Cause People Were Playing 'Inappropriate Music'
I'm A Singer / Songwriter, But I Have "Vocal Dysphoria" (Idk What It's Called). I Hate My Voice, Especially When It's Played Back On A Recording. I Want To Post Music, But I'm Terrified. What If Someone I Know Finds Out It's Me? I Like To Keep My Lives Separate.. Like A Spy Or Something. I Took A Personality Quiz. I Guess I'm Truly Lonely.
Hi, @PRINC3Y. 👋
Welcome to the Pandora Community!
My name is Alyssa and you can find my introduction here.
Hope to see you around the community space more often.
Notasukafoyu, los angeles, know rock of the '80s, **ahem** like the hills, ride it, wow. It used to offline listening
We're always happy to see new faces around the Community, @Notasukafoyu!
Offline listening definitely comes in handy for me as well. 🎶
Hey name is Angel. I'm from PA. I love Tech N9NE and most all other Strange Music.