Welcome to the Pandora Community! Whether you've been a long-time Pandora listener or are new to our platform, we'd like to take the time to welcome you to the Pandora family!
We'd also like to take this time to hear from you! Share a picture of yourself below (if you feel comfortable doing so) and add the following so we have a better understanding of who you are:
We hope to hear from many of you and hope that your Pandora Community experience is a memorable one. 🎧
Hello @Short_StaxX!
Glad to see you! I felt the same way in the beginning of trying to figure out why the stations are playing different songs. Ahh the old days...
Anyways, thank you f or posting and have a wonderful day!
Demon Deer
@Itsdemondeer, No worries, no need to be sorry. I will be sure to add this for you for tomorrow's GSOTD (clean) post and playlist. Please remember @Listener001 has a post called GSOTD (Explicit Only) if you happen to have some songs that you like that are explicit. Well, thank you once again for your selection. Take care and stay safe.
Hello, my name is Joyce H., I am from Louisville, KY. My favorite genre is Throwback 90s, R&B, Rap, and Country. I am currently listening to Carrie Underwood. The favorite feature I enjoy is the skip ads.
Hello @joycemetcalfe23, nice to meet you, if you have some favorites that you would like to share, we do a daily post here on Pandora called GSOTD (Genre Songs Of The Day). I would love to add your selections to this, and I would also give mention of you for the songs (song). Hope to see you around the community more. Take care and stay safe.
P.S here is the GSOTD playlist. It is just south of 1,000 songs. Genre Songs Of The Day (GSOTD) enjoy the music. Be safe
I am X-military, I am a strong 1st and 2nd Amendment supporter, and will fight for GOD; Country; and Family.
Alyssa, such a beautiful name! My granddaughter had that name as her middle name and carried it to her grave in her second week of life. She had a heart defect and the operation did not go as planned. She was to weak to hold onto life. So every time I see the name, it triggers the same emotion I felt back then. She would be almost 22 today. I hope you have a long life, filled with blessings and surprises the great kind and be a great person always! I am happy to meet you!
Hi, @joycemetcalfe23. 👋
Welcome to the Pandora Community! I enjoy throwbacks too. 🎧
Hey there, @jomaraki. 👋
Thank you for the kind words. I'm very sorry to hear about your granddaughter. I completely understand where you're coming from and appreciate you sharing that with me. 💛Wishing you and your family all the best.
I hope to see you around the community space more often. 🎧
I'm _Slicks from Smalltown, Texas. Favorite genre: country, blues, classic rock, southern rock. Listening to Chris Stapleton, Traveler !
Hi, @_Slicks. 👋
Thanks so much for joining the Community!
Hope you're enjoying the tunes 🎧
Hello @Broken_Red! I am too inside the Furry Fandom -w-
E-Girls Are Ruining my life is a good (like I can’t say nice or wonderful due to the fact that it’s beyond inappropriate 😂) song! I hope you find your way around Pandora and if you have any questions then just post a question or search for one. We will always find a way!
-Demon Deer
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Hey ya'll! I am Christy, 💋 I am from sunny Orange County, CA. I cannot live without music!
Favorite genre is hip hop, R&B, reggae & dance, but, I honestly love every genre of music except death metal. lol It just depends on the mood I am trying to set. 💃
Currently, I am listening to: Soco (Feat. Wizkid, Ceeza Milli, Spotless & Terri)
Looking for new music is my daily struggle. My favorite thing about Pandora is the fact that I can play any song (almost any) at any time I want. I grew up with cassettes and CDs so this platform is a dream for us obsessed enthusiasts. 🎵
@msmartinimami truly great to meet you, I also love all sorts of music (just not Rap) it has eluded my taste my whole life. My favorite music is pop, easy listening, opera, singer-songwriter, and rock and pop ballads. Here is a playlist I think you may find enjoying to your taste. It is called GSOTD (Genre Songs Of The Day). This playlist grows every day due to the fact it was created for a daily post that is done here on @Pandora. Well hope to see you around the community more, take care and stay safe. Genre Songs Of The Day (GSOTD) enjoy the music.
hello i'm new
@finn593 Welcome to the Pandora Community!
I moved your post to our Introduce Yourself thread.
If you're up for it, we'd also like you to share a picture of yourself below (if you feel comfortable doing so) and add the following so we have a better understanding of who you are:
You can find my introduction here.
No pressure though! Hope we continue to see you around the community. 😎
Hello @msmartinimami!
I really forgot about the Cassette Tapes ever since I downloaded Pandora. I still have a whole crate full of Cassettes of Gorillaz from my teenage years making me cringe at the emo kid I was 😅
Anyways, I’m glad that you are able to enjoy Pandora along with others!
-Demon Deer
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Hey Pandora Peeps just wanted to say what's up, Im DeeDazzlah....ROCK ON!
Hello @DeeDazzlah! I’m doing very nice today! Thank you for asking! I hope you have a nice day also!
-Demon Deer
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@Pandora wrote:Welcome to the Pandora Community! Whether you've been a long-time Pandora listener or are new to our platform, we'd like to take the time to welcome you to the Pandora family!
We'd also like to take this time to hear from you! Share a picture of yourself below (if you feel comfortable doing so) and add the following so we have a better understanding of who you are:
- Name? Luke hatton (im a girl)
- Where you're from? hickory NC
- What your favorite genre of music is? R&B hip hop and sad pop like 3AM hits
- What you're currently listening to? wolves in sheeps clothing
- A favorite feature of the Pandora service? i dont really have one but i would greatly appreciate it if some on could tell me why my music wont play when i hit the button
Welcome to the community @bakubro (love the username)! You most likely have to wait for thing to pop up asking for you to watch an add so you can listen to the music you want. If you purchase Pandora Premium then you won’t have to listen to an add. Anyways, have a nice day and thank you for posting!
-Demon Deer
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