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Laugh Or Smile Of The Day.

I have been trying to encourage all who read my post "A Word Of Encouragement For Your Day." But I have realized that sometimes all one my need to be encouraged for a day, is just a simple smile or a good hearty laugh 😂. So I will try my best to get a smile ☺ or a good hearty laugh out of you each and every day if I can.

  I will post a joke each day, and hopefully it will accomplish my goal, and that is to get you to laugh and or smile, or perhaps both. These jokes will be clean, family friendly, due to the simple fact that there are many youngsters that reply to my posts. I realize by keeping these jokes good and clean that some may sound really corny to adults, but may be really funny to the young crowd. So please keep that in mind as you read.

Q: What’s red and bad for your teeth?


A: A brick  (OOOOOUCH).

Have a great day dear friend, take care and stay safe.


314 Replies

Good Friday morning, wishing you a very blessed day and weekend. Hopefully, this will get you to smile or even laugh. 

Q: What did the horse say after it tripped?

A: Help! I’ve fallen and I can’t giddyup!

Take care and GOD bless.


Good Thursday morning, hopefully this will put a smile on your face. Here is today's joke. 

I just found out the company that produces yardsticks won’t be making them any longer. 

 Have a great day, take care and GOD bless. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for sharing, @MOHLovesAlaska. Hope you're have a nice day ☀️

Alyssa | Community Manager
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@AlyssaPandora good Thursday morning dear friend, thank you for your reply, have a blessed day, take care and GOD bless. 


 Good Wednesday morning dear friend. Perhaps this may give you a chuckle or bring a smile to your face. 

I just read that 4,153,237 people got married last year. Not to cause any trouble, but shouldn’t that be an even number?

Have a blessed day, take care and GOD bless. 


Good Thursday morning, hopefully, this will put a smile on your face. 

The husband was asked why did you go to Egypt for your honeymoon? To make the wife a mummy.

Have a great day, take care, and GOD bless. 


Good Friday morning, I hope this brings a smile to your face.

Q: Where do pirates get their hooks?

A: Secondhand stores.


Have a great day, and a wonderful weekend, take care and GOD bless. 


Good Tuesday morning, I hope this brings a smile to your face, it did for me and that is why I am sharing it with you my friend.

Q: What did the pig say on a very hot summer day?

A: I'm bacon. 

Have a wonderful day, take care and GOD bless.

P.S. I do love me some bacon, especially on a cheese burger with lettuce, tomato 🍅 and onions. (Sweet onions). 


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Good one, @MOHLovesAlaska😂

Adam | Community Moderator
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 This made me chuckle, I hope it will for you as well. Have a wonderful day.


Take care and GOD bless.





Community Manager
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These are always a great way to start the day. 

Thanks again, @MOHLovesAlaska

Adam | Community Moderator
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@AdamPandora thank you friend. Have a great day.

Take care and GOD bless. 


Good Friday morning dear friend,I hope this brings a smile to your face or perhaps even a laugh.

Q: What summer vacation destination makes your pet bird sing for joy?

A: The Canary Islands of course. 

Have a wonderful day and a wonderful weekend. Take care and GOD bless. 


Good Monday morning, this is a husband and wife joke. So for all of the married couples out there I hope you have a good laugh or at least a good smile. 

Police Inspector asked the husband: Why didn’t you report your stolen credit card?

Husband replies: The thief was spending less than my wife.

Inspector: Then why are you reporting it now?

Husband: I think now the thief’s wife has started using it. 


Have a great day, take care and GOD bless. 


Good Tuesday morning dear friend, this is another husband and wife joke, when I read this it made me laugh 😂 loudly. Hopefully it will for you as well. 

An American woman married a British man. On their honeymoon, the husband said, ¨You look like a million pounds!¨ The wife divorced him.

Have a wonderful day, take care and GOD bless. 



Community Manager
Community Manager

Good one, @MOHLovesAlaska🤣

Adam | Community Moderator
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Good Wednesday afternoon, I hope this brings a smile to your face.

Q: Why are pirate's called pirate's?


A: They just ARRRR! 

So don't argue that or you will be forced to walk the plank. 

Have a great day, take care and GOD bless. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

@MOHLovesAlaska Thanks for the laugh. 😂

Adam | Community Moderator
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@awaesaeh forgive me for my well overdue reply, but that was a really good joke. I do hope to see more from you, as well as from many others. 

Take care and GOD bless. 


Good Thursday morning dear friend, hopefully I can get a smile from you, or a good chuckle out of you this morning.

Q: What do you call a pig that does karate?

 A: A pork chop 🥩 of course. 


Have a great day, take care and GOD bless. 
