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Laugh Or Smile Of The Day.

I have been trying to encourage all who read my post "A Word Of Encouragement For Your Day." But I have realized that sometimes all one my need to be encouraged for a day, is just a simple smile or a good hearty laugh 😂. So I will try my best to get a smile ☺ or a good hearty laugh out of you each and every day if I can.

  I will post a joke each day, and hopefully it will accomplish my goal, and that is to get you to laugh and or smile, or perhaps both. These jokes will be clean, family friendly, due to the simple fact that there are many youngsters that reply to my posts. I realize by keeping these jokes good and clean that some may sound really corny to adults, but may be really funny to the young crowd. So please keep that in mind as you read.

Q: What’s red and bad for your teeth?


A: A brick  (OOOOOUCH).

Have a great day dear friend, take care and stay safe.


271 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

Lol, @MOHLovesAlaska. I like this one lol. 🤣

Alyssa | Community Manager
Let's talk music in Community Chat
Share yours here: Q: What song fits your mood today?
Check out new tunes this week:New Music: Picks of the Week (09.30.24)

@AlyssaPandora I'm thrilled you liked it...I thank you for your support as always my friend...Have a great Thursday...Take care and GOD bless...

0 Kudos

Good Monday afternoon dear friend...Are you in need of a smile or perhaps a laugh that will pick you up...Well, let's see if this will do the trick...

Q: How do you talk to a GIANT??? 

A: Well, that is an easy one, my friend you just have to use BIG WORDS...

Have a great day...Take care and GOD bless...



@MOHLovesAlaska That sounds about right. 😂

Thanks for the laughs as always! 

Good Friday afternoon dear friend...I know it has been a while since I last posted here but I do hope you enjoy this one just as much as I have...


Have a great Friday and a blessed weekend...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Wednesday morning dear friend...Yes!!! It has been a while since posting...But here we are...

Q: How do Catholic Priests make holy water??? This should be an easy one for you...

A: They boil the hell out of it...

Have a great Wednesday...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Friday morning dear friend, as I was getting ready for bed I came across this very funny baby meme so I thought I would post it before I head in the sack...I hope you find it just as funny as I do...


Have a wonderful Friday...and a blessed weekend...Take care and GOD bless...



I always love seeing these posts, @MOHLovesAlaska.😂

Thanks for the laughs! 

Good Friday afternoon dear friend...Has this ever happened to you on a Friday???

85119129.jpgHave a great Friday...and a blessed weekend...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Tuesday afternoon dear friend...Hopefully, this will make you chuckle...I know the baby boomers will get this one real quick...

Q: Did you hear about the lifeguard who couldn't save the hippy???

A: He was too far out man...

Have a great Tuesday...Take care and GOD bless...




Thanks for the laughs this morning, @MOHLovesAlaska

Good Wednesday afternoon dear friend...Let's see if this will put a smile on your face... 

A retired man now volunteers to entertain assisted living and hospital patients. He visited one hospital in Brooklyn and brought along his portable keyboard. After telling jokes and singing songs at patients’ bedsides, he said farewell and said, “I hope you get better.” One elderly gentleman replied, “I hope you get better, too.”

have a blessed day...Take care and GOD bless...


Community Manager
Community Manager

Lol, that's funny. Thanks for sharing, @MOHLovesAlaska 🤣

Alyssa | Community Manager
Let's talk music in Community Chat
Share yours here: Q: What song fits your mood today?
Check out new tunes this week:New Music: Picks of the Week (09.30.24)

Good Thursday afternoon dear friend...Perhaps this will get you to smile...

Q: Why are circus Clowns safe around Lions???

A: Because silly even Lions know circus clowns would taste "funny"...

have a blessed day...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Friday afternoon friend...Maybe this will get you on the right foot going into the weekend...

This is for all of you parents out there...

Q: How does a parent define “luxury”? 

A: Five minutes alone in the bathroom.

Have a great Friday...And a blessed weekend...Take care and GOD bless...



Good Saturday afternoon dear friend...Hopefully, this will brighten your Saturday afternoon...

Q: Why is it a bad idea for a skinny girl to date a fat man???

A:  Because all he is trying to do is get into your "pantries". 

Have a blessed day...Take care and GOD bless...



Good Sunday morning dear friend...A Sunday morning smile to brighten the rest of your day...

A farmer gets his tractor stuck in the mud, he tries all he can do to get it free...So as a GOD-fearing man, he gets down on his knees and starts to pray asking GOD to help him get his tractor unstuck...After a few minutes, a neighbor farmer happens to be driving by and sees him on his knees praying, he yells out "Hey, why are you on your knees praying?" The farmer replies because my tractor is stuck in the mud!! The neighbor farmer says being down on your knees won't get your tractor unstuck...Farmer says the hell it won't you are here now, so get my chain and start pulling me out...

Have a blessed day...Take care and GOD bless...



That one is funny, @MOHLovesAlaska. 😂

Thanks again for the laughs to start our week off! 

Good Tuesday Morning dear friend...Hopefully, this will be a small bright spot for your day...

Husband asks his wife "Sweetheart will you marry again if I die?" Wife responds "No, I will live with my sister". The wife asks her husband "Will you marry again if I die?" The Husband responds "No, I will also live with your sister." 

Have a great day friend...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Wednesday morning friend...Hopefully, this will be a bright spot in your day...

I realized I have a strong connection to Pandora because it is not just for my love of listening to music I even wrote a song once about tortillas, but then no one liked it because they said it was more like a wrap...

Have a blessed day...Take care and GOD bless...

