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Laugh Or Smile Of The Day.

I have been trying to encourage all who read my post "A Word Of Encouragement For Your Day." But I have realized that sometimes all one my need to be encouraged for a day, is just a simple smile or a good hearty laugh ๐Ÿ˜‚. So I will try my best to get a smile โ˜บ or a good hearty laugh out of you each and every day if I can.

  I will post a joke each day, and hopefully it will accomplish my goal, and that is to get you to laugh and or smile, or perhaps both. These jokes will be clean, family friendly, due to the simple fact that there are many youngsters that reply to my posts. I realize by keeping these jokes good and clean that some may sound really corny to adults, but may be really funny to the young crowd. So please keep that in mind as you read.

Q: Whatโ€™s red and bad for your teeth?


A: A brick  (OOOOOUCH).

Have a great day dear friend, take care and stay safe.


315 Replies

Good Monday afternoon dear friend, perhaps this is what you need to brighten your day.

"Today, I asked my phone โ€œSiri, why am I still single?โ€

and it activated the front camera." 

Have a blessed day friend. Take care and GOD bless...



Hahahaha awww! I would say, Siri, you don't need to be so passive aggressive!

Thanks for the laughs @MOHLovesAlaska!

Good Tuesday afternoon dear friend, hopefully, this will be a bright spot in your day.

If you are still a student this is for you. If your PE teacher says you run like a turtle remind them turtles live longer. 

Have a blessed day friend, take care and GOD bless.


Good Wednesday morning dear friend.

 You should โ€‹never criticize someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, youโ€™ll be a mile away, and youโ€™ll have their shoes.

Have a great day friend. Take care and GOD bless...

0 Kudos

Good Monday morning dear friend, hopefully, this will bring a smile to your face. If you love short-storied jokes then this is right up your alley.

A husband and wife short-storied joke. 

"John, if I were to die would you re-marry?" Joan, my love why on earth would you ever ask that question? Well, I overheard my friend asking her husband that same question, so it hungered my curiosity to hear your answer. "No! Joan, I would not remarry. John, you are still young enough that you could remarry, so why would you not remarry? Because Joan, I love you and my heart is for you. 

 Later that night while lying in bed Joan kept tossing and turning, and taking deep loud sighs, so as any loving and caring husband would do, John rolled over and asked Joan, "Joan, what is wrong, and why can't you sleep? John, I just can't get that question out of my head, I need to know John! "Know what Joan? Would you ever get rid of my clothes if you were to remarry? No, Joan, I would not get rid of your clothes! John, would you get rid of our bed if you were to remarry? No, Joan, I would never get rid of our bed! Okay, John one last question, would you sell or get rid of my golf clubs? No, Joan, I would not get rid of or sell your golf clubs! WOW! John, you wouldn't get rid of them? No, of course not Joan because she is left-handed! Now go to sleep! 

Have a blessed day friend, take care and GOD bless.



Diamond in the Rough

The first rule of the Alzheimerโ€™s club isโ€ฆ Wait, where are we again?

P.S. There is some truth in my joke ๐Ÿ˜ž 

Good Tuesday Morning dear friend, hopefully, this joke will be a bright spot in your day.

The Ventriloquist's Nightmare:

A ventriloquist is performing at a comedy club. Heโ€™s going through his usual repertoire of โ€œdumb blondeโ€ jokes when a blonde woman in the audience stands up and says, โ€œIโ€™ve had just about enough of your stupid blonde jokes! What makes you think you can stereotype women that way? What does the color of a personโ€™s hair have to do with their worth as a human being?โ€ Flustered, the ventriloquist starts to apologize when the blonde interrupts him again. โ€œYou stay out of this, mister. Iโ€™m talking to that little jerk on your knee!โ€ 

Have a blessed day friend, take care and GOD bless.

0 Kudos

Good Wednesday afternoon dear friend, hopefully, this will brighen your young day.

A teacher asked her students to use the word โ€œbeansโ€ in a sentence. One student said, โ€œMy father grows beans.โ€ Another said, โ€œMy mother cooks beans.โ€ Then, little Johnny said, โ€œWe are all human beans!โ€

Have a great day friend. Take care and GOD bless.


Good Thursday afternoon dear friend, hopefully, this will be a joke that you find to be enjoyable.

The Magic Genie:

Three friends, Tom, Rich, and Harry, are stranded on a deserted island when they find a magic lantern containing a genie. The genie grants them each one wish.

Tom wishes to be off the island and back home. POOF, heโ€™s gone.

Rich wishes the same. POOF, heโ€™s gone too.

Harry says, "I'm lonely, I wish my friends were back here with me."

Have a blessed day friend. Take care and GOD bless.


Good Sunday afternoon, hopefully, this will bring some smiles to your Sunday.

The Talking Dog: 

A man sees a sign in front of a house: "Talking Dog for Sale." Curious, he rings the bell, and the owner tells him the dog is in the backyard. The man goes there and asks the dog, "Can you talk?" "Yep," the dog replies. The man, astonished, asks the dogโ€™s story. "Well, I discovered my talent at a young age and worked for the CIA. I traveled the world, eavesdropped on international spies, and now Iโ€™m retired." The man, amazed, asks the owner how much for the dog. The owner says, "Ten dollars." "Why so cheap?" the man asks. The owner replies, "He's a liar. He never worked for the CIA."

Have a great Sunday, take care and GOD bless.


Good Monday afternoon dear friend, perhaps you are searching for something to change your mood for today. Give this a try.

Once upon a time in a small town, a stranger walked into a bar. The stranger was an artist and carried with him a peculiar brush. Curious, the bartender asked, "Whatโ€™s special about that brush?"

The artist replied, โ€œOh, this is no ordinary brush. This brush can paint the future.โ€

Impressed, the bartender challenged, โ€œAlright, paint me the picture of your last tab.โ€

To which the artist grinned and said, โ€œThatโ€™s not a future; thatโ€™s ancient history!โ€

Hope this brought a smile to your face. Have a blessed day friend, take care and GOD bless.


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Thanks for your post today, @MOHLovesAlaska. ๐Ÿคฃ

Alyssa | Community Manager
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@AlyssaPandora hello dear friend, I'm glad you liked that joke. Thank you for your support and friendly reply. 

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Not to annoy, but may you please explain. Iโ€™m normally the god of bar jokes, but this ones got me 

@Listener001 it is not annoying for you to ask what the last joke means. I will be more than happy to explain it in depth.

The humor in this joke comes from a playful twist on expectations and wordplay. The artist claims his brush can "paint the future," which suggests it has a mystical, forward-looking power. The bartender, however, jokingly challenges this claim by asking the artist to paint the picture of his last tabโ€”meaning an unpaid bill from a past visit to the bar.

The punchline, "Thatโ€™s not a future; thatโ€™s ancient history!" works because the artist cleverly deflects the request by pointing out that the "last tab" is a matter of the past, not the future. It's a witty way of dodging responsibility while staying consistent with the premise of the magical brush. Itโ€™s a blend of clever banter and playful misdirection! I guess even one could argue that this is a magical joke. 

Have a great night, take care and GOD bless. 


Not applicable
ohhhhh, that's pretty funny