Looking for a song by Jeff Cardoni Featured artist Jules Larson. The song is called "For this sin" this is in the movie A Perfect Man.
@MrRam I looked as well and I could not find anything. Pandora has a post called music suggestions, submit your request and they will submit it. I requested a song sometime back and within a few days, it was in Pandora's library. Take care and stay safe.
Hi there, @MrRam. 👋
@MOHLovesAlaska is correct. You can suggest music that may be missing from our collection on this thread: Music Suggestions
In the meantime, I've gone ahead and shared your feedback with our curation team for further review.
Thanks so much for you suggestion, and hope to see you around the community space more often. 🎧
I don't know how to delete post nevermind I found it.. heilung sings the song i was looking for.
Can someone please help me find a song it's a Nordic song, I'm trying to find a song that is like this, it start out howling, and wolf sounds in it, and they say all the names of the wolves Geri, freki, fenrir, hati, skoll/Sköll in it I can't find it.. Someone please help me.. it's kind of like this band heilung. I heard it on Pandora peter gundry radio as it played a mix of songs. I lost my play back, when it got stuck and had to restart.
Hi there, @Krampus. 👋
Glad to hear that you were able to find the song you were looking for.
Enjoy the tunes. 🎧