Why hello, I am a freshman in high school this year. I started 2 days ago. I was home schooled up till now so I don't understand anything or know how things work. Any tips or helpful information?
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
Welcome to the next four years of your life! Many people look back on their high school years with great love and wishing they could live them again. Others look back and they absolutely hated them. So everyone’s experiences are very different. It’s your own journey, make the most of it because it will be over before you know it. There will be good things and some bad. Good days and bad days. Make the most of all the good, control what you can and try not to worry about the rest. Don’t worry about what others think or their opinions or expectations. Find who you are and be yourself not what everyone else thinks you should be. Make the best choices that will allow to have a great life and not choices that will start destroying your life now. You have a wild and hopefully amazing journey in front of you, Carpe diem which means seize the day and make the most of the crazy ride that is high school! Hoping for the best for you
That was a very thoughtful reply, @Trevor1.
I couldn't have said this better myself!
@Speedcuber If you are looking to make new friends and connect with others, I highly recommend joining a club that interests you. Another good way to make friends is to join a sports team if you are into that.
And as @Trevor1 mentioned, don't be afraid to be yourself. If you try and be something you're not, you may begin to attract people you don't necessarily want to be around or associate yourself with.
Best of luck this year, and throughout your high school journey!
Hi, @Speedcuber. 👋
High school is full of opportunities and new beginnings. It's a time to discover your passions, learn more about yourself, and what you want to do in the future. I encourage you to embrace every new experience, make new friends, stay curious, and stay true to yourself. Also, it's okay to not know how things work. I don't think any of us did at the beginning. With the start of each school year, I remember having to figure things out (where your classes are, where to sit at lunch, etc). It can be a little scary at first, but if you take things day by day, you'll find your flow and get into a routine.
I hope you have a great school year.
You've got this! 😊
keep pandora near by
Starting high school can be challenging, but it gets easier with time. When I started, it helped me set small daily goals. I wrote everything down in a notebook so that I would remember everything. Another thing that helped me out was participating in school clubs. It not only helped me make friends but also revealed new interests. At first, I had some difficulties writing papers, so I used https://essay-company.org/, which helped me a lot to avoid unnecessary stress. I have always tried not to get upset by small failures and look for the silver lining in everything.
@Ridn, hi this is the author of this original post, I am just on my alt account. First of all thanks for replying, with good info. I did join Spanish club, but for everything else I am to depressed. thanks.
that's already a step forward. keep going, you should be fine. i'm glad my advice is useful to you