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Weird And True Facts.

I will try and post one weird but true fact each weekday. Perhaps on a Saturday when I have some free time, like now. 

In 2014, a missing woman on a vacation in Iceland was found when it was discovered that she was in the search party looking for herself. (Source is from website)

Apparently she never considered herself lost. 

Have a blessed weekend, take care and GOD bless. 

179 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

That's very interesting, @MOHLovesAlaska. I always enjoy reading the facts you share.

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Good Monday morning dear friend, I agree that was a very cool fact that I had come across so, after reading it I knew it had to be shared, and no better place than right here... @AlyssaPandora as always my dear friend thank you so much for your great support in all of the threads that I do here in the @Pandora community... Have a wonderful Monday, and a blessed week dear friend...

Take care and GOD bless...


Good Monday afternoon dear friend, welcome to weird and true facts...Allow me to impose this question upon you...How popular do you think McDonald's is? "YES" the fast food restaurant...Well, check this out for yourself...

Every continent except Antarctica has at least one McDonald’s. (Source comes from 50+ Weird But True Facts That Will Blow Your Mind (

Have a great day and a blessed week...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Monday afternoon here is another weird and true fact about spring.

Spring was not always called spring... Spring was once called ‘Lent’ - that name carries through in the Christian faith, of course, leading up to Easter. (Source comes from 10 Spectacular Facts about Spring - Fact City).

Have a great Monday and a blessed week. Take care and GOD bless...


Good Tuesday afternoon friend, here is another weird but true fact. It is not so much about the spring as it is about the events that happened in the spring... 

While the origins of April Fools’ Day are uncertain, some believe it started in 16th century France when the observation of New Year’s changed from April 1st to January 1st. Those who continued celebrating on April 1st were called “April Fools.” (Source comes from 44 Stirring Facts about Spring |

Have a blessed day...Take care and GOD bless...


Community Manager
Community Manager

That's interesting, @MOHLovesAlaska. In other cultures and in astrology, the new year and begins with the spring equinox. Thanks for sharing that fact! 

Alyssa | Community Manager
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@AlyssaPandora When I was reading this weird but true fact I had always wanted to know how April Fools started. Thank you once again dear friend for your interest as well as your support. Have a blessed day. Take care and GOD bless...

0 Kudos

Good Wednesday afternoon friend, and welcome to weird and true facts...

Almost All Of Nevada Is Owned By The Government.

Who knew? Somebody, surely, but not us, at least before researching this article. The State of Nevada is rife with protected wildlife areas, forests, national parks, and monuments, all owned and run by the US federal government. Notably, Area 51, a classified stretch of land owned by the US government, is in Nevada. There is so much the government owns that it adds up to about 80% of the entire state if you can believe it. (Source comes from

Have a blessed day...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Thursday afternoon dear friend...Here is another weird and true fact about the U.S....I found this one to be very intriguing, very much indeed...

Did you know you can get a license to hunt a mystical being? Well, dear friend you can get one in the State of Michigan. (Source comes from 15 Interesting Facts About The USA - WorldAtlas)

Have a great Thursday...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Friday morning friend...Here is another weird but true fact about the U.S.....This may be a trend that I will follow through for a spell...

It has no official language... Many might say English and even Spanish are the official languages of the US, but the country has none. Records indicate the Founding Fathers did not see a need for one. English was dominant at the time of Confederation, and so it needed no special protection. In addition to this, other languages were also spoken widely, and there was no need to risk offending anyone. (Source comes from 15 Interesting Facts About The USA - WorldAtlas).

Have a wonderful Friday...and a blessed weekend...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Monday morning friend...Welcome to weird and true facts...

The Capital Was Originally New York...

In 1790, Washington D.C. was not where all the political action was. New York City was the nation’s capital when George Washington became the country’s first president. Washington, D.C., nestled between Virginia and Maryland, was created as the capital in 1790 following a meeting between Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton and Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson. Hamilton conceded to Jefferson, a Virginian, for the location of the capital, and in turn, Jefferson agreed with Hamilton's proposal for the federal government to take the states' debt following the Revolutionary War—a quid pro quo. (Source comes from 15 Interesting Facts About The USA - WorldAtlas)

Have a blessed day...Take care and GOD bless... 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Wow, I had no idea about that, @MOHLovesAlaska. Thanks for today's interesting fact! 

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Check out new tunes this week:New Music: Picks of the Week (09.30.24)

@AlyssaPandora neither did I my dear friend until I came across the article this morning...I thank you as always my friend for you're great support and your replies...Have a blessed day...Take care and GOD bless...

0 Kudos

Good Tuesday Morning friend here is another weird and true fact about the U.S....

 Alaska Has The Longest Coastline.

Alaska has an astoundingly long coastline stretching about 6,640 miles (10,686 km). This is said to be longer than the coastlines of all the other 49 states combined. The country's total coastline is 12,383 miles (19,928 km). 


Have a blessed day friend...Take care and GOD bless...

P.S. If you click on the map you can magnify it a little larger than you see now...


Good Wednesday afternoon, welcome to another weird but true fact...

New York was once New Amsterdam. 

One of the things you may not know about America is that New York wasn’t always New York. Before the city got its now iconic name, it was called New Amsterdam. It was named that by the Dutch who settled in Amsterdam, and it was only changed to New York when the English captured it in the 17th century. The new name paid tribute to the Duke of York who helped capture the city. You can still see plaques of where New Amsterdam’s ‘wall’ was built in 1653 – on Wall Street itself. (Source comes from 21 incredible things you may not know about America (

Have a blessed day...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Thursday morning friend...Here is another weird and true fact about the U.S.... McDonald's also has a tie in this as well...

More Than 10% Of Americans Have Worked Or Will Work At McDonald’s. 

Good ole’ Mickey D’s. Love it or hate it, the famous fast food restaurant is a major employer in the US. It is estimated that about 1 in 8 Americans has worked for the mega-restaurant at some point in history. Reports indicate this includes everyone from your neighbor’s kids, to Jeff Bezos, and even Pink. (Source comes from 15 Interesting Facts About The USA - WorldAtlas)

On a personal note, it was my third job when I was 16 my 2nd job was delivering newspapers for the Times Union when I was 10 & 11, and my first job was when I was 4-6 cleaning the cow barn and helping feed the livestock on my Grandparent's dairy farm with my Uncles Ed & Jr (Albert).

Take care and GOD bless...


Good Friday afternoon friend...Here is another weird and true fact about the U.S....

More People Now Live In New York City Than In 40 Of 50 US States.

No wonder NYC seems busy! About 1 in 38 people living in the US call New York City their home, making it the most highly populated city in the nation. Its population density is a jaw-dropping 27,000 people per square mile, and there is a birth in New York City every 4.5 minutes. If you ever want to know what a sardine feels like just spend a weekday (and yes I meant weekday and not weekend) or two in N.Y.C. (The source comes from 15 Interesting Facts About The USA - WorldAtlas)

Have a blessed day and a wonderful weekend...Take care and GOD bless...


Good Monday afternoon friend...How many times have you heard the argument about what type of food Americans are famous for? Well, dear friend here is something that cannot be argued...

100 Acres Of Pizza Are Served There Every Day.

Americans sure love their pizza! According to the Washington Post, Americans love it so much that about 100 acres of this beloved cheesiness are eaten every day within its borders. Surveys show Americans tend to prefer pizza over hamburgers, considered a staple of American cooking. (Source comes from 15 Interesting Facts About The USA - WorldAtlas)

Have a blessed day...Take care and GOD bless...



I love pizza! I ordered some this weekend, so I made a contribution to the 100 acres that day. 😅

@AdamPandora I have it on average at least once a week...My dad had started a tradition in our family when I was knee-high of making homemade pizza every Friday night...It is one of my fondest childhood memories because we would all help make the pizza and then we would have a movie night along with it...

Take care and GOD bless...
