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Why not me poem (stay strong)

Opening Act

Since I was little

I had a dream to save the world

But my people thought the opposite

Why so

The way they were thinking

Makes me feel unsure about my dream

But I didn’t understand why

Because I know who I am

I know where I came from

And I know what I’m capable of

I know what I can do and what I cannot do

I know is hard right now

But I have a mission to accomplish

Even though I don’t know how

But I know someday my dreams will come true

I maybe in the dark right now

But I prayed God to help me see the light

Before I can’t stop asking myself why me

But when I think back why not me

And it’s never too late to catch myself again

It’s going to be hard and life wasn’t meant to be easy

Whenever I felt I’m about to fall

All I have to do is reach higher than have never did before

And if I really want to get far in life

Is to fake it until I make it 

                                              By: Reldeo

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2 Replies

Opening Act

Happy Friday! Stay strong and when you know yourself and choose yourself that's when you can accomplish anything impossible in this world. I hope you guys like poem.😊

Community Manager
Community Manager

Very inspirational, @Reldeo

Thank you so much for sharing!  

Adam | Community Moderator
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