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New & Improved Artist Insights!


Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 8.36.02 AM.png


We’re excited to announce a new fresh look and some additional features to Artist Insights in Pandora AMP! Artists can use the Insights tab to view their overall stream data, top collaborations, programming placements, artist metric graphs, their audience map and their top 5 artist tracks across Pandora!




Manage Subscriptions

With the new and improved Insights tab, you’ll be able to manage your artist subscriptions and email notifications right at the top of the page. Here you can opt in to receive three different types of notifications, including At the Moment, Week in Review and the recently introduced Milestones.




Programming Placements

In the Programming Placements section, you can view all of the current editorial programs that include any of your tracks. With the redesign, you’re able to see all of these programs in a gallery view along with shareable links for each program.




Artist Metrics

With Artist Metrics, we offer multiple graphs and views displaying your overall performance on Pandora. Here you can select the time range and change filters to view streams, thumbs, listeners and station adds. And for the first time ever, you’ll be able to download a CSV report directly from AMP. In addition, you have the option of selecting either line or bar graphs to view your metrics, depending on your preference.




Audience Map

The Audience Map now includes the ability to download the map data as a CSV. As always, you can use this section to view your streaming data from across the entire country to see where your fans are listening. Your upcoming shows will appear here as well and you can follow the prompts to create targeted audio messages to offer tickets to shows in specific regions.




Top Tracks

At the bottom of the page, you can now view your top 5 tracks across Pandora directly in Insights. At the bottom of the page, you’ll see the track’s artwork and the total number of streams it currently has on Pandora. Clicking on one of your top tracks will also bring you to the track reporting page, giving you many more details about this track’s performance across Pandora.




We hope you find the new and improved Insights tab useful in gaining a clear picture of how your music performs on Pandora!

Diamond in the Rough

I noticed the change right away a couple days ago when I first saw it.  I like the layout and it is more informative and far more convenient.

I especially like how much easier it is now to check my collaborations.  The only problem is, while there's an icon I can click on for all my collaborations, there's not one for my main artist station, so after checking collaborations, I end up having to hit the back button through all the collaborations to get back to my main page.

I don't see a "programming placements" section on my page.

The artist metrics and audience map sections work better than before and are more informative, helpful.

I like being able to see my top tracks, although personally, I'd like to be able to see the top tracks of me as main artist and also of collaborations (I can only see the ones with me as main artist in this update).  Still, it's better than it was before.

Overall, this is an outstanding improvement.  Well done.


Bonjour, je n'ai pas la même chose pouvez-vous me dire pourquoi ?Capture d'écran pandora.png


J'ai reçu un mail qui me dis d'aller dans paramètres mais qu'elle sont les programmations à faire si vous pouvez être plus précis avec des photos par exemple et répondre ici aussi c'est mieux que par email , donc es ici comme la photo ou ailleurs ?Capture d'écran pandora_.png

Et je n'ai pas la section Programming Placements non plus

Il n'y a pas d'humain non plus ici ? ce sont que des messages en automatique qui disent la même chose ! c'est n'importe quoi, ça m'aide pas 😠

mod edit: merged comments

Hey @LofiBluePearl - Thanks for reaching out with questions regarding our new Artist Insights tab. I have escalated your questions and will be following up with you via email. Please know that, at this time, we are only able to respond in English. 

We appreciate your patience in the meantime!


Thanks for this! Very useful

Diamond in the Rough

LofiBluePearl, it appears to me you have the same thing as the example, except you don't seem to have any collaborations, so that section is blank.  If you had any collaborations, something would show up in that section.

Similarly, the Programming Placements will be blank unless/until any current editorial radio programs include one or more of your tracks.  The only Programming Placement I have had a song on is "Fresh Cuts" and you can find a thread about how to get songs on "Fresh Cuts" on a different thread (  

Regarding photos, if you go to your "Profile" tab, you will be able to update your profile photo (and background photo) there, as well as your biography.

As to the humanity of those of us on this site, you are free to your own opinions.  However, if you are concerned with human issues, you might consider that Pandora only operates in the United States, where English is the common (ie polite) language.


Merci pour votre réponse, Mais je n'ai pas d'onglet emplacement de programmation, donc comment savoir si nos musiques sont dans des playlists, nous pouvons le voir quelques part ? Et désolée si vous vous êtes sentie offensé de ma part, mais le faites de s'exprimer permets de faire réagir les choses et d'obtenir des réponses rapidement avec des humains et non des robots. Et désolée mais mon anglais est moyen donc je m'exprime de la langue de mon pays, cela fonctionne aussi car vous m'avez comprise!

Diamond in the Rough

Programming Placements is not a separate tab it's a section of the "Insights" tab that only appears when you have such  placement.  If you did have such a placement, you would also probably have gotten an email notification about it.  As I mentioned, you should submit your next release to "Fresh Cuts" so you can see this section appear. 

I may be able to understand you when you are speaking provincial dialects, but most people here cannot.  If your English is average, please go with that, because your Latin is nearly incomprehensible, very provincial.  😉


J'ai fais l'identification de pandora amp sur les réseaux mais ça n'a pas l'aire de fonctionner

Diamond in the Rough

Awesome!  Probably karma.  (double finger snap for you!)


Eh beh je vous ai autant frustré 😀 mettez un peu de paix dans votre coeur ça va aller 😂

Diamond in the Rough

Awesome! Swa sceal geong guma gode gewyrcean (& double finger snap for you!)


Ah la faiblesse de l'homme ça se connait face à une très grosse frustration 😏, la femme est trop forte pour l'homme 😎, il à trop le seum 😂 sans aucun argument à par en boucle le pti gars 👅!😁

Diamond in the Rough

Awesome! Gæð a wyrd swa hio scel (& double finger snap for you!)