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Chromebook appearance

Local Performer

When I use Pandora on my Chromebook tablet, the song title, artist and artist picture are very small. And I can only read the information while it scrolls through. Can I fix that? Thanks.

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4 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there, @mrsteve12. 👋

Thanks so much for posting about this.

Could you let me know how you're listening when this happens? 

Are you using the Pandora app on your tablet or a web browser? 

Let me know. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Local Performer

Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has a solution to my issue.  I heard from Alyssa - see above, but have not heard back.  Thanks all.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @mrsteve12. 👋

Sounds like you're still having trouble with this.

Could you please send me a screenshot of exactly what you're seeing?

  • If you have a Windows machine please try using the Snipping Tool. You can find specifics about this tool and how to use it here.
  • Then attach that file in your next post by clicking on the Camera Icon.

I've included a screenshot below:

Screen Shot 2021-05-28 at 12.19.23 PM.png

Thanks for your help with this. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Local Performer

I was just able to attach a "Print Screen Shot".  Do you see how small the song title and artist are?  Thanks for any advice.



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