How do you play albums on Pandora One desktop app for windows 10?
mod edit: changed title for clarity
Hey there, @drwarch. 👋
Looks like you're using our older desktop app (Pandora One). We no longer support this version. With the Pandora One Desktop app, you won't be able to listen to albums. You can listen to your stations but the features are extremely limited on that version. Premium features aren't available on that version.
We released a new Pandora Desktop app for Windows 10 recently. You can read more about this release here.
Installing the new desktop app:
Note: At minimum, you'll need Windows 10 to use this app, but we recommend updating your system to the latest Windows version available to you. You can find more information on how to do this here.
Hope this information is helpful! 🎧
Hey there, @drwarch. 👋
Looks like you're using our older desktop app (Pandora One). We no longer support this version. With the Pandora One Desktop app, you won't be able to listen to albums. You can listen to your stations but the features are extremely limited on that version. Premium features aren't available on that version.
We released a new Pandora Desktop app for Windows 10 recently. You can read more about this release here.
Installing the new desktop app:
Note: At minimum, you'll need Windows 10 to use this app, but we recommend updating your system to the latest Windows version available to you. You can find more information on how to do this here.
Hope this information is helpful! 🎧
Hi, thanks for the response.
When I go to the Windows Store and search for Pandora apps, I get one result. It has reviews from 2018, so that does not sound "new", and the Store says I already own it.
When I search my computer for Pandora apps, I get just one result. So it appears that the Windows Store just has the one I have, Pandora One. How do I find the new one for Windows 10?
@drwarch The Pandora Desktop App for Windows 10 should be available here.
We revamped the desktop app for both Windows 10 and MAC computers in September so that Premium users had access to those features. I would recommend uninstalling the old Pandora One Desktop app as it's no longer supported.
Feel free to let me know if you have any trouble downloading the new app.
Hi Alyssa,
I uninstalled the old app and installed the new one. But it is a "full screen" application. How do I get the small widget back? (With the easy drop-down list of stations.)
Hi @drwarch! Unfortunately, the reduced player is currently not a feature.
However, we do have a feature request to bring this back. You can check it out here. Please be sure to vote ( ❤️) if you'd like to see this on Pandora once again.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Hi Tanner,
Is there a way to reinstall the old player? I liked it much better!
@drwarch Unfortunately, the old player is no longer supported. 😔
Sorry again for any inconvenience.