Pandora Update - 04/22/2021: Hi everyone! 👋
Thank you for reporting this issue with the Shuffle feature. We have shared your feedback with our engineering team on an internal ticket so they can investigate. They are now aware of this and they're working on it. In the meantime, please keep an eye on this thread as this is where will be providing updates on the status of the fix for this. 🎧
04/23/2021 Pandora Update: Hi everyone! 👋We believe the error when attempting to shuffle music on our website has been resolved. If you're still having trouble, please try out the troubleshooting steps for your specific browser / Pandora Desktop app.
Web Browser Troubleshooting:
Pandora Desktop App Troubleshooting:
Let us know if you continue to experience this issue. 🎧
I thought I was the only one it was happening to. Thanks for posting.
Yesterday (4/21/21) I was getting error messages, but I no longer get those. Now, I get no message at all when I click on shuffle, but it continues to play my last station.
@wharwood1 I moved your post over to this existing thread: Shuffle Doesn't Work
Your feedback has also been added to the ticket we have open with the engineers who are looking into this.
Thanks for your patience!
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Why do I keep getting 'we couldn't start the selected station...' error message when trying to shuffle stations? I tried both Chrome and IE...
I have multiple station selected and I have shuffle stations selected. It is stuck on one station. When I restart Pandora IO get an error that says cann start the selected station. It is stuck on aisingle station unless I manually select another. Fix this ASAP.
Yes I'm getting the same error message. It will only play a single station. Any updates?
Shuffle has been working perfectly. Today it is stuck on one station. I'm using custom station setting. I de-selected my stations, added them again. Still won't work. I logged in/logged out. Still won't work. Keeps saying can't shuffle playing last station. Will not correct itself. Running on desktop. Always used Edge, not trying firefox and still not fixed. What do I do?
I'm having the same issue. Very frustrating. I usually let Pandora shuffle across all of the stations in my collection. I like to mix it up while I'm working. But today ... it's stuck on one station! Hopefully, someone on their tech team is monitoring this thread and will address the issue. Otherwise, one of my primary reasons for using Pandora will be non-existent ... and I may have to rethink my premium subscription.
Thanks! Same error on Edge, Chrome, and Firefox....
Using the Windows 10 desktop app. Stuck on one station. Yes, all stations are selected.
I am having the same issue. Will only play one station at a time. When I look at my collection/stations the shuffle icon circles are not below any of my stations which tell me it will not shuffle as there is nothing selected but I am unable to select as the icon is not there. Chrome PC user.
I can't even use the service. It doesn't start my selected station or even let me view my collected music, but thanks for the update! Hope to see the services back to normal soon, good luck.
Shuffle not working for me here on 4/22/2021, please fix!
The circle icons are back but still wont shuffle. Can only listen to one station at at time. Very frustrating.
Pandora Update - 04/22/2021: Hi everyone! 👋
Thank you for reporting this issue with the Shuffle feature. We have shared your feedback with our engineering team on an internal ticket so they can investigate.
Thanks for your patience during this process. 🎧
same you guys have an estimated time on when it will be working again?
I just had it stop working today. Any way to get it fixed?
I thought my account was messed up. I am glad I came on here. I also am unable to shuffle my stations.