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Ideas: Ability to block or mute artist/songs/genres

Ideas: Ability to block or mute artist/songs/genres

Opening Act
Status: Open Ideas

New Feature Idea: Create Rules about what bands you never want to hear.  If I select a Genre but there are certain bands I never want to hear, there should be a way to create a rule. i.e. I select the 70's Rock Genre but I never want to hear any music from Sting, Rush, Styx, Journey, Kiss, etc.  then allow me to create a rule eliminating them fron the selection algorithm.

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

Labels (1)
Opening Act
I would like to see a ban artist feature where I can ban an artist instead of just by song.

Hi @RyanKuc2019 thanks for posting! I've added your request to an exisiting thread to help keep things tidy. 

Hope to see you around community more. ๐ŸŽง

Opening Act


Local Performer
Does anyone else notice that Pandora is actively promoting artists like R Kelly and Chris Brown, despite their claims not to? Both of these artists are played on my stations even though I've thumbs downed or nexted them. It seems Pandora is making a false claim here.. and I would have reached out directly for help but that's not even an option? What is going on Pandora?
Local Performer
A specific: I have several stations in which Louis Armstrong pops up. Can't stand his voice. I have this issue with a couple of other artists on other stations. Is there some way, other than "thumbs down" which does not remove from the station, to completely eliminate a specific artist from all rotation in that station? Thanks!
Community Manager
Community Manager

@ericwatts I moved your message to this existing feature request as this is not currently an option with Pandora. Make sure to give this post a โค๏ธto express your interest in it as well!

Local Performer

I've been wanting this for years. There are some artists (Eminem and Childish Gambino) where if you like ONE song it feels like the station starts playing their entire discography. I only like that one song, not the artist's entire body of work.

And some artists I cannot stand to hear and don't want to support them ethically or financially. 

Local Performer

Can pandora remove lauren daigle from christian artists? She is fake and doesn't deserve to be in that group... Plus how can I block any song from this witch? Aff ๐Ÿ™‚

mod edit: format


Hi @Zuzana I've moved your post to an existing thread in our Feature Request board. Blocking an artist is currently not a feature of Pandora. Make sure to give this post a โค๏ธto express your interest. 

Thanks for posting to community!

Opening Act

Please add a artist ban list that would apply to all stations on an account.  It would be nice if I never have to hear Metallica, Green Day, Offspring, Pink Floyd, Wheezer, Breaking Benjamin or any other fill-in-the-blank, worn out, tired FM radio station rock ever again on Pandora.  I recommend not having 2 thumbs down of the same artist on a given station banning that artist.  There are many good artists with more than 2 bad songs.  A ban list would make more sense.

It would be nice to be able to turn on deep cuts and discovery for shuffle so that one doesn't have to listen to worn out, tired, FM radio station music when shuffling stations. While the thumbs down feature is great, it's almost impossible to eliminate all the tired, worn out, FM radio station music with thumbs down alone.