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Idea: Custom graphics and album art

Idea: Custom graphics and album art

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Status: Open Ideas

I've been a fan of Pandora for years, but now find myself veering toward YT and Jazz stations there (Cozy Jazz Music) because there are seasonal and other graphics that I can stream on the television. They're far more appealing than the album cover selections on Pandora which feels outdated comparatively. 

Is there a way for me to change the graphics within Pandora? It appears very limited and I'm using it less and less it seems as a result 

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

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1 Comment
Status changed to: Open Ideas

Hi @MCDane 

Welcome to community!

Since this isn't a current feature, I've moved your post over to our Ideas Board.

This is the best place for feedback and ideas you'd like to see for Pandora. We appreciate you taking the time to post your feedback.

Thanks for being part of community!