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Ideas: Ability to mark a Podcast as Played/Unplayed

Ideas: Ability to mark a Podcast as Played/Unplayed

Status: Open Ideas

Can you please add a way to mark a podcasts as listened to or played. 

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

Labels (2)
Status changed to: Open Ideas

Thanks for the feedback for Podcast @kmarazoni! 👍🏻

Local Performer

I just switched from another podcast player and now I'm going to have to switch again as Pandora doesn't have the feature to mark a podcast played.  Please add MARK A PODCAST PLAYED FEATURE

Local Performer

Same as the others, I was looking into switching podcast players and already listen to Pandora for music. So it would be really convenient to have podcasts here, too, but i need to be able to mark the podcast episodes I've already listened to so they don't replay.

Local Performer

Can you make an option to mark a podcast episode as listened? When I load my podcasts sometimes it tries to play old podcasts i have already finished.  It will still show time left in the episode. I hate to mess with my phone while driving to scroll to the correct episode. Thank you! 

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

Status changed to: Open Ideas

Hi @Erinegun1!

Thanks for the great feedback for Podcast! I've been in the same boat when listening to Podcast and trying to scroll to the next thing I want to listen to. 

Hope to see you around community more! 

Local Performer

There are times when the podcasts I am listening to keep playing when I forget to pause and go afk.

When I go back to re-listen, I can slide the time bar and restart a podcast.  When finished and expecting to hear the next one in the list, it plays the next UNLISTENED podcast. 

That sounds like a good idea to go where you "haven't" listened to yet.  This would be fine, except I cannot change the status of a podcast episode from listened to not. 

Going from restarting and listening to episode 5, to the middle of episode 35.  Please add a way to change the status of a podcast episode from "listened" to previous status.  

Thanks 😄


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there, @PandaPirate. 👋

To keep everything organized, I moved your post over to this existing feature request: Mark a Podcast as Played / Unplayed

To upvote this idea, click on the 💙icon next to the title of the feature suggestion. If you have any other ideas, feel free to post them! Hope to see you around the community space more often. 🎧

Local Performer

I want to throw in my support for this feature. I'm switching over from another podcast app and I'm finding Pandora not ideal for podcast listening. The ability to mark a podcast as played will help a lot. Thanks.

Local Performer

Podcasts really need the function to mark them as "Not Listened" because I am listening to a podcast series again (from the beginning) and every single time an episode finishes it doesn't go to the next podcast episode in the order instead it goes to a random episode from a podcast called Zack to The Future - WHICH I HAVE NEVER EVER LISTENED TO & DON'T EVER WANT TO. This is extremely annoying because I need to stop what I am working on find the prior podcast on the Pandora website (as soon as I can before they swear anymore) that I was listening to then scroll to find the episode that should have started playing, click at least 5 times for it to start playing because I click to play and 2 seconds later it goes back to the ridiculous other podcast (the most I ever had to click to play an episode was 33 times), then have to click on the beginning of the episode because each time I click to play it starts with the last 10 minutes of the podcast. This has been happening for at least 3 months now no matter what browser or computer I am on. Thank you!

Local Performer

Please create a function to mark podcast as listened. Sometimes a podcast episode that I have already completed doesn’t get marked as listened and then replays and I have to scroll to next episode.