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Ideas: Download/Export account data: songs, playlists, stations, thumbs

Ideas: Download/Export account data: songs, playlists, stations, thumbs

Status: Open Ideas

As of now, I have 14 emails between support trying to get a complete list of thumbed tracks.  It appears and unpaid account like mine can only view the thumbed up list and Pandora does not have a good way to produce a list.  I have manually copied my thumbed tracks to generate a list in excel and it appears that pandora is limited to display 1000 thumbed tracks.  I have copied these tracks manually twice per recommendations from support, once from the windows app and once from chrome.  Any recommendations on getting the full list would be much appreciated!  

Moderator Edit: Changed title for clarity

Labels (1)
Local Performer

What about those of us who maintain two different music services?  I would like to download a list of my thumbed music.  Is there a way to do this?

Community Manager
Community Manager
Status changed to: Open Ideas

Thanks for posting, and welcome to the community! 

@john3012 @dornjmd I've moved your request to this board as exporting your Thumb feedback is not currently a feature. However, I'm sure others would be interested in this option as well! 

Local Performer
this would very very easy to do hm? just throw all the songs like song/artist into a window (like this one) and we can do a ctl-A, ctl-C and then paste into some text editor. we're talking max 1 hour to do and 12 hours for quality/doco and procedural things and whala all set. a listing is a good backup and helpful for building lists into smaller focused catagorized playlist that target applicable audience/occasions.
Local Performer
hey maybe you can send me all by thumbs up tracks from my lucini begins station? send to please please please. been building that station for 6 years.

I second this. I'm a data guy, I would love to see a spreadsheet of all the songs I've "thumbed up," especially since there are many duplicates of the same song I've rated, but on different radio stations. 


This feature would be very useful to me - I could quickly figure out what songs I have (and which ones still need to be added) on my station

mod edit: changing title for clarity

Status changed to: Open Ideas

Thanks for posting this great idea @rlessard! 👍🏻Don't forget to ❤️ your idea and any other ideas in the Feature Request board that you want to see!

Thanks for being part of community! 

Local Performer

I would like to print my playlist with artist name, song title, album, etc. Can this be done?

Status changed to: Open Ideas

Hi @jparkeria thanks for posting! I've moved your idea to one that is very similar that is currently posted. You can view it here

Currently, printing or exporting playlists or stations is not a feature. We appreciate your taking the time to give us some valuable feedback on this.

Don't forget to ❤️the ideas you want to see on Pandora. This helps us know what popular features listeners want to see. 

Thanks for being part of community! 🎧

Local Performer
