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Ideas: Higher Audio Quality

Ideas: Higher Audio Quality

Status: Open Ideas

How about higher audio quality?  Amazon has introduced this feature, and others have been ahead of Pandora as well.  It would be great to have the Genome Project advantage with higher audio quality.  Do others agree?

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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On the Rise

im not from pandora but if i had to guess the only obstacle is cost. seeing as much of this music is streamed not downloaded for offline listening the company has to be mindful of everyone's ability to continue using their service. thus an increase in quality would "require" an update to their software to change the current bitrate to medium and the new higher bitrate as high quality. or leave the current as high and make a very high or whatever. probably not super hard to do but that will have a cost. a secondary expense is going to be servers that house the music. If they have the data in house on a single server location in one spot in the world that is at 80% 80% whatever capacity going to a higher bit rate would require likely double if not more equipment to handle the new load. If they have multiple in house servers they would have to double the equipment in all of them to offer the increased bitrate worldwide. If they are instead in a cloud based setup they wouldn't have to buy physicals hardware but instead pay for additional capacity from their cloud based partner. 

Lastly regarding improving audio quality the answer is yes sort of.... Assuming the bit rate is the only limiting factor on audio quality. The main factor on sound in all reality is going to be speakers. if you are listening on your tiny smartphone speaker regardless of bit rate its going to sound bad because of the speaker. same with any sort of slim device such as TVs, low quality earbuds etc and while not as bad but somewhat any smaller speaker setups like amazon echo, midrange headphones or high end earbuds will have their limits as well. Assuming speakers aren't the problem you can also have compression on your source and or internet connection. Bluetooth for example has limits on how much data can be processed depending on the source unit as well as the bluetooth version of the audio device. so playing CD quality wont matter if the transmission source cant handle that data and thus compresses to a lower quality bitrate anyway.  in the US since net neutrality was abolished ISP's can and do put caps on data transmissions. i have none done research on if audio is impacted but for example im on an unlimited plan from verizon and have limits on video quality. so depending on if theres network congestion or if we have reached a threshold of data per month or if someone at verizon is having a bad day that quality can be limited by the ISP even if the source has higher quality available. again not sure if this comes into play but it legally could. 

Local Performer
Yeah, but SiriusXM owns Pandora Music, and has a net worth of $1.213
Billion. They can afford to upgrade the quality as the others have
(Tidal, Apple, Amazon, Spotify, etc). I use Tidal and get far better
quality.. a real noticeable difference through any device I use.
As far as the abolition of net neutrality presenting an issue... that
hasn't caused any of the aforementioned companies to degrade quality
for that reason. I think it's a non-issue.
I agree that speakers and hardware matter, and always have.
On the Rise

i totally agree they should. but money is the main reason they haven't done it yet i'd guess. i did forget the logistics of upgrading the entire library is probably a pain as well but idk how thats all setup on their end

Local Performer
Totally.. I'm sure it would be a major project... but if they don't
get on it they will be a "Blockbuster video in a Netflix world"
They COULD offer "Pandora HD" as an option, and charge like $4.95
more (or something like that). Some people would complain that they
have to pay a little more if they want HD so they could just go with
a competitor but if they want the Genome technology they stay and
pay. Pandora's Genome tech is totally unmatched as far as I can
tell. it really knows what you want to hear.
Opening Act

As much as I would like improved audio quality (higher bitrate than 128kbps), the price for Pandora Plus cannot be beat.  Plus, love the Genome project, user interface, and overall simplicity of the entire site.  

Frankly, realistically, for $5/mth, what should I expect. Audio quality is acceptable for that price.

Would be nice of someone with authority from Pandora would explain their perspective on improved audio and associated pricing etc.

In todays world “good enough” is not worth $4.95 a month.
Opening Act

Obviously not for you but you do not speak for me.  

Do you know any other less expensive or equal cost streaming services that compare favorably to Pandora?

I’ve had Pandora for over a decade and it’s well pst time for $4.95 to mean more than no commercials. Wasn’t speaking for you. By paying ANYTHING better sound quality should be a guarantee. I feel like a captive because hours of streaming with the genome is the best I’ve seen.
Opening Act

Arguing about price is silly because most of use have agreed we would pay more anyway. Arguing the current quality is good enough is silly because this is entirely dependent on external factors like hearing ability, music of choice, and the listening device.

The platform itself is a music discovery tool for me. I give Pandora nothing, not even ad revenue. They can't do anything about it. Anything I find that I like I immediately buy on Bandcamp or the actual CD if it's not there, then rip to flac for playback on my own personal streaming service. I would happily give Pandora money for their service but they don't deserve it.

Other services don't offer a similar enough system IMO, though the genome system is not perfect either... It's just the least worst.


It's clear however they don't care and won't update it based on the complete radio silence from anyone at Pandora. Not even a 'we're considering it' or a 'not at this time'. Any discussion on this topic is otherwise a waste of your own time. Just as it is mine right now.



Local Performer
I have a Tidal family plan with the best quality they offer (its the
best I've found anywhere). I pay $29/mo but for me.. it's worth the
quality. As a sound engineer I notice every little thing so when I
listen to low quality it seriously bothers me. Tidal lacks the Genome
technology that Pandora has. If Pandora had the quality I'd switch
back but for me quality sound is everything. Just a matter of
opinion and choice, and I guess that's the beauty of free market
capitalism... we get choices due to competition, and those that can't
compete end up falling away.