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This was such a critical feature for managing stations. Pandora used to be great for music discovery and picking up new songs. But if I hear a good song that's on the wrong station, I'm supposed to thumb it down and hope it someday plays on the correct station? This feature seemed so basic I can't believe it was removed.
@coachart -chuckles- My first experience here on the forum taught me that they really seem to prioritize their "guidelines" over just about anything else, often completely ignoring inquires within posts that somehow violate them. It is kinda mind blowing, but yea, seems the higher-ups have the company(s) moving in other directions. 😒
I guess what I'm saying is: 'Agreed' & 'Don't hold your breath.'
Pandora .. Please listen to us. This is really crucial. I don't want my A-ha mixing into my Al Green station, I want to move A-ha over to The Smiths station where it belongs. This was previously a feature so we know you can do it.. You Can Do It!! We believe in you!!
How has it been five years and you've not returned a core feature that you used to have? What's the problem? What's stopping you from talking on the feature request?
Hey Pandora, how about some feedback on your customer feedback? How about some info about why this is no longer a feature or why it isn't being reimplemented.