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I sometimes forget that I have a song already in a playlist and when I add a song already in my playlist it will duplicate it and not let me know its already in a specific playlist I am choosing to add it.
Hey Pandora... my subscription is done and I am out. You don't seem to give a **ahem** about your product or your customers. This feature is BASIC, as are so many suggestions/requests here in your community. I don't get it... but whatevs. Bye!
THIS!!! It seems to work on my Android app but I do use a computer sometimes. When I add songs it adds duplicates. It's so frustrating because I have had to remake playlists because there's MANY duplicates.
as we're building playlists, would like to easily search for songs that I might've added but forgot. Don't want duplicate songs, because pandora doesn't tell you if it's duplicated.
I see that many people had have this issue and it doesn't seem like any action has been taken to resolve this. Please advise. I would simply like to locate the duplicates and delete them. As of yet, I can't even see how to locate them. Why is this still an issue? or am I just blind?
I really wish someone would address this problem. A playlist can get extremely out of hand if you listen and add songs on a continual basis. If I could just automatically sort alphabetically all songs in a playlist that alone would help me to pair down the playlist!!
Seems like a no brainer feature. Pandora's playlist creation and management options are horrible, Simple obvious features like preventing duplicates. Sorting, Searching, or multiple select are unavailable.