Can I bulk add songs from My Collection to a Playlist?
Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity
@jasimpson487 While this is not currently an option, I recommend upvoting this existing feature request we have with a ❤️ if you'd like to see it added to the service: Feature Request: Bulk Add-Delete-Edit-Search Content (Stations, Playlists, Thumbs)
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Hi @randyjenks!
While this is not currently a feature, there is a feature request for this idea in our Feature Request board. You can check out the post here. Don't forget to vote by clicking on the heart ❤️.
You can also search and vote for other feature requests, or submit a new one.
To learn about the process, check out Community's How Do Requests Become Features? article.
Thanks for being part of community!
@jasimpson487 While this is not currently an option, I recommend upvoting this existing feature request we have with a ❤️ if you'd like to see it added to the service: Feature Request: Bulk Add-Delete-Edit-Search Content (Stations, Playlists, Thumbs)
Thanks for being a part of the Community!
It is so bizarre that Pandora doesn't have this option. Super basic function. And linking people to a 5-year-old suggestion page (that already has tons of support and votes from users to add this feature) is not a solution 😞
I accidentally messed up My Thumbs Up playlist by adding it to itself. It doubled the list.
Is there a way to restore a playlist to a previous version? I was trying to add something to it and added the playlist to itself. Now I have a playlist with 1881 songs. If it cannot be restored is it possible to select multiple songs to delete from the list? I would say playlist manipulation is probably Pandora's weakest area.
@fanattic1 I moved your post over to this existing thread: Bulk add, edit or delete content
While this is not currently an option, I recommend upvoting this existing feature request we have with a ❤️ if you'd like to see it added to the service: Feature Request: Bulk Add-Delete-Edit-Search Content (Stations, Playlists, Thumbs)
Hope this helps clarify.
Coming up on 4 years of waiting.