@karandan Thanks for following up.
Our support team has taken a look at your station and has confirmed that it was originally created as the Christian Contemporary Holidays genre station.
Genre stations, such as "Christian Contemporary Holidays" or "Classic Rock," are stations curated by Pandora, and they behave a little bit differently than your own personalized stations. One difference is that you cannot edit these stations (ex: changing the name or Adding Variety).
That's because Adding Variety could change your listening experience on these stations; added seeds would most likely inspire music outside of the scope of the intended genre.
While there was once a bug that allowed users to edit their genre stations, that bug has since been resolved. This would explain why you were previously able to change the name of this station, as well as add variety to it.
At this point, it is no longer possible to edit the name of these stations, or to add variety.
In the meantime, feel free to create a feature request for your suggestion of editing genre stations here. 💡
Hope this is helpful. Thanks for being a part of the community! 🎶
@rlc57 What is the name of the station you are having trouble editing?
I created a station 8 years ago that Pandora has evidently appropriated as a genre station. No notice and no credit given at all. I can't edit it anymore because it is now a genre station. Not happy!
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
@karandan Nice to see you around the community.
What is the name of the station on your account that you are having issues with?
Let me know.
Contemporary Christian Christmas Radio. It is now called Christian Contemporary Holidays
@karandan Thanks for following up.
Our support team has taken a look at your station and has confirmed that it was originally created as the Christian Contemporary Holidays genre station.
Genre stations, such as "Christian Contemporary Holidays" or "Classic Rock," are stations curated by Pandora, and they behave a little bit differently than your own personalized stations. One difference is that you cannot edit these stations (ex: changing the name or Adding Variety).
That's because Adding Variety could change your listening experience on these stations; added seeds would most likely inspire music outside of the scope of the intended genre.
While there was once a bug that allowed users to edit their genre stations, that bug has since been resolved. This would explain why you were previously able to change the name of this station, as well as add variety to it.
At this point, it is no longer possible to edit the name of these stations, or to add variety.
In the meantime, feel free to create a feature request for your suggestion of editing genre stations here. 💡
Hope this is helpful. Thanks for being a part of the community! 🎶
I'm not sure what you researched but I spent hours working on this station. I put in the seeds and liked the ones I wanted to hear etc. I did not start out with a station that you had and edited it. The reason I created it was because you didn't have anything like it at that point. My station worked perfectly and I was able to change lots of stuff up until last year when all of a sudden the name was changed and I could no longer edit it. It wasn't a "bug" that caused all of this. This was a mistake someone made at Pandora. I will start over and recreate it in a new station but please don't tell me I'm the one that screwed with your station because it was definitely the other way around!
Moderator Edit: Format
Notice the mod edited your title then proceeded to tell you why you couldn't edit a "genere" station? That happened to me too with a station I created.
It has happened to me with several stations too. Unfortunate that Pandora doesn't give us the freedom to edit all of our stations. I too have been curating my stations for years and am locked out of editing now. We pay $6 a month for one of the upgraded Pandora subscriptions without ads and it's really, really, really frustrating to not be able to edit these 7 year old stations. Ugh!
@pcsavage I definitely understand your frustration with this.
If you'd like to have the option to edit curated genre stations, I recommend creating a feature request for your suggestion here. 💡
Hope we continue to see you around the community!
I've just discovered this as well. I've been listening a lot lately via my phone. I even started paying for premium. I was starting to get bored and just discovered that my stations can't be edited. Years of careful work down the drain if I have to start over now.
Hi @tempestdancer - thanks for posting!
Happy to take a closer look at the station. Can you let me know the name?
Assuming this is a feature and not a bug, I've opened up a feature request to address the problem. Click here to view the page and support this feature request!
I've had the same problem. I created a custom station from my own seeds titled "Praise and Worship" and within the last month, I suddenly could not edit the station in backstage mode. The edit station option is grayed out. It's a pity, I've been customizing that station for years!
@Jonafree Nice to see you around the community. 😄
I definitely understand your frustration with this.
While you can still edit any thumb ratings you've given on your Praise and Worship station, you won't be able to add variety.
Genre stations, such as "Praise and Worship" or "Classic Rock," are stations curated by Pandora, and they behave a little bit differently than your own personalized stations. One difference is that you cannot edit these stations (ex: changing the name or Adding Variety).
That's because Adding Variety could change your listening experience on these stations; added seeds would most likely inspire music outside of the scope of the intended genre.
While there was once a bug that allowed users to edit their genre stations, that bug has since been resolved. This would explain why you were previously able to change the name of this station, as well as add variety to it.
At this point, it is no longer possible to edit the name of these stations, or to add variety.
In the meantime, feel free to create a feature request for your suggestion of editing genre stations here. 💡
Hope this is helpful. Thanks for being a part of the community! 🎶
>Genre stations, such as "Praise and Worship" or "Classic Rock," are stations curated by Pandora, and they behave a little bit differently than your own personalized stations.
@AdamPandora can you explain what a genre station is?
Also, if I created some of my own Pandora stations, when did Pandora take over and start curating them? Why would they start curating some of my stations and not others? Is there any way to keep Pandora curators OUT of my stations?
@Jonafree Genre stations are always stations that have been curated by Pandora - there was just a bug in the past that allowed you to add variety to the station after collecting it.
With that being said, an easy way to determine if something is a Genre station, is if isn't a station created based off of a specific artist/band or song.
For example, stations like Classical, Metal, or Praise and Worship would all be considered Genre stations. These are stations you won't be able to add variety to.
You will be able to add variety to stations that are created based off of an artist/band or song.
I hope this helps explain!
@AdamPandora thank you, I think that explain a lot. I understand now that Pandora is accidentally treating some of my stations like genre stations, even though I specifically recall creating them from scratch myself from specific artists and songs. I've noticed this has only happened for my three oldest stations. Perhaps there is a programming bug at work here that only affects older stations.
I used to use Pandora's curated stations when I was a newbie, but I created my own separate stations based on my thumbs-up history from the artists listed in the curated station.
Please stop implying that these are curated stations that I am no longer able to edit due to a bug resolution. I would like an answer here that fits my question - it's OK if you don't have it.
4. Golden Oldies Radio cant change it to Oldies.. this is a old playlist i made awhile ago
@nanallen Nice to see you around the Community. 👋🏽
It looks like that is a genre station.
Genre stations, such as "Golden Oldies Radio" or "Classic Rock," are stations curated by Pandora, and they behave a little bit differently than your own personalized stations. One difference is that you cannot edit these stations (ex: changing the name or Adding Variety).
That's because Adding Variety could change your listening experience on these stations; added seeds would most likely inspire music outside of the scope of the intended genre.
While there was once a bug that allowed users to edit their genre stations, that bug has since been resolved. This would explain why you were previously able to change the name of this station, as well as add variety to it.
At this point, it is no longer possible to edit the name of these stations, or to add variety.
In the meantime, feel free to create a feature request for your suggestion of editing genre stations here. 💡
Hope this is helpful. 😁
I agree as I have a station of tv/movie/video game orchestral themes and sometime in the last two years, I've been unable to edit it. You can't do anything from the phone app which is 99% of my listening and I'm flabbergasted that there is no editing from the web