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How to share content with Premium Family plan

Local Performer

How do I share stations among family members on a family plan?


Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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31 Replies


I recently upgraded to the Family Plan and have the same frustration about sharing.  First off, none of us want out profiles to be public, especially those of my kids!  Secondly, why there isn't a simple "share with family member" option is beyond me.  External links?  Social media?  No thanks!  Between this and the random color background I am headed over to another service to trial them for a month.  If it works out I will be leaving the Pandora family.  Sorry.

Local Performer

My wife and I have pandora family. Can she have access to my music and I hers? Or can we only listen to the music on our accounts? Thx for your help. 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@SlappyCapone I moved your post to this thread since you have a similar question: Sharing music with Premium Family

While the both of you will need to use your separate accounts to stream on your devices, you do have the ability to share music with each other.

As long as each of your accounts are set to public, you should be able to share content between each of your accounts.

Check out the accepted solution to this thread for instructions on how to share music.

Hope this helps!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

First, its extremely frustrating to not have a link "Share Station with Family Member" and then all your family members pop up and you check mark which ones you want to share with.

Second, I don't want my children's accounts set to public. In fact, my wife and I don't want ours public. Not interested in finding anyone or anyone finding us our seeing our activity.

Third, your solutions don't work. I click share, copied the link, messaged the link to family members, they click the link and... wait for it... nothing!

Please fix immediately. I'm paying for a service that's broken.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@aaronh40119 Nice to see you around the Community.

Share station with family option + Child account settings:

I recommend creating feature requests for your suggestions here.

This will give others around the Community a chance to upvote your ideas if it's something they'd like to see added to the service as well.


Unable to add shared stations:

I currently see two other accounts on your Premium Family plan.

Are you attempting to share a station with those two people?

If so, what is the name of the station they are unable to add when you try and share it with them?

Let me know.

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

This isn't a feature request.  This is a defect.

No account, especially a child's, should be required to be public in order to use the advertised functionality of the service.  The family service is fundamentally broken.

I understand that additional features will be required in order to address this defect.  Regardless the existing functionality is defective, and we should not have to "suggest" that it be fixed.

This thread is over two years old.  It is disheartening to be dismissed with, "Oh you want us to fix it?  I'm sorry, you'll have to file a feature request."

Local Performer

I want import content on an individual account to my user in a family acount

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@superousgenius I moved your post over to this existing thread: How to share content with family plan

What you will need to do is share her content that is currently on your account, to her personal account.

To share a content via email from your mobile device:

The easiest way share a song, station, or album is to search for it (even if it's already a part of your collection).

Then tap the name of the song/station/album and tap Share.

From here, you'll be able to share your content either through a text message, through social media, or via email.


To share content via email from the web:

From the Now Playing screen:

  1. Hover your cursor over the album art.
  2. Click the ellipses that appears underneath the Album art
  3. Select Share located at the end of the menu
  4. From there you can copy the link if you'd like to share it via email.

From the Song/Artist Details Screen:

Click the Share button located to the right of the Play button at the top of the screen.

You can select Copy Link to share a direct link via email.

For more information on how to share content from your collection on Pandora, you can view this help page article.

Hope this helps!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

For simplicity, I will try to make this much more straight forward right now.  First, what are the exact steps necessary to share a music station from a source account collection to a destination account collection?  If it matters, I m using the Family Plan. 

How can I edit station names and content?  How do I remove extra empty “new playlists” that exist unused occasionally when creating a new playlist?  Also, how do I edit the extra accounts provided for the account log in menu, such as case-sensitive and all lowercase?  I can't see how to set up two new Gmail accounts because the log in procedure (using several possible usernames) always indicates that they are already in use. 

Moderator Edit: Removed Personal Info

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@will_tulluck I moved your post over to this existing thread: How to share content with family plan

How to share music from one account to another:

Check out the accepted solution to this thread for instructions on how to share content via email from either a computer or mobile device.


How to edit station names:

How to edit your stations on your mobile device:

1. From My Collection, visit your station list.
2. Tap on the name of the station you'd like to edit.
  • If you're a Pandora Premium subscriber, this will take you directly to the station's "backstage page." 

3. From the station's backstage page, tap on the Edit icon (the small pencil to the left of the play button) to edit your station, and scroll down.

You can edit the following aspects of your station (assuming it is not a genre station, as genre stations are created by Pandora and cannot be edited):

To edit the station name:

Tap the pencil icon to the left of the play button to open edit mode. Change the name of your station, and tap Done to save any changes.

How to edit your stations on a computer:

First make sure you're signed into your Pandora account on a computer.

Then, click on the name of the station you'd like to edit. If the station is not available from your Now Playing page, click on the My Collection button first, sort your collection by Stations, and then select the name of the station you'd like to edit.

This will take you to a station details page which shows you information about your personalized station.

To edit the station name:

If you'd like to edit your station's name or description, click on the small pencil icon to the left of the play button. If you are a Pandora Premium subscriber, click the ellipsis to the right of the play button and select the edit option with the small pencil icon. Keep in mind that once you enter "edit station" mode, you'll need to save your changes when you're done.

How to delete content from your collection:
Check out the accepted solution to this thread for instructions on how to remove content from your collection (including playlists).
How to edit accounts:
I do see you've added three accounts to your Premium Family plan so far.
To clarify, did you want to change the email address associated with one or more of those accounts to something new?
Or were you looking to create additional accounts using separate email addresses that you can also add to the plan?
Let me know.

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

Hello Pandora Support,

I had a case opened for this but never got an answer. I have multiple accounts; one has stations curated already to my favorite songs, and I don't want to lose all the years of work that has gone into it. (The log in for this is: xx@).  

We created a family premium plan so multiple listeners could listen to Pandora at the same time. The log in for that account is: xx@.

We want to MOVE all the stations / playlists/ likes under the xx@ account.

How do we do that?

Thank you!

Kimberly G

Moderator Edit: Removed Personal Info

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Ihave4kids I moved your post to this thread since you have a similar question: Sharing playlists with Premium Family

What you can do is share the content from your main account to the additional accounts you add to your Premium Family plan.

As long as each of your accounts are set to public, you should be able to share content between each of them.

Check out the accepted solution to this thread for instructions on how to share music.

Hope this helps!

Adam | Community Moderator
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