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Limit to number of tracks on a playlist?


Greetings and Felicatations,

         I can no longer add to my playlist...what's the deal? Are there limits to what a single playlist can hold? It would be 'user friendly' to inform Premium users of any and all now!



Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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22 Replies

Local Performer
Good morning Adam and thank you very much you answered my question nicely! I have quite a few playlists, is there a total number of songs I'm allowed to have with all of them? Like if I have five playlists can I have 5,000 songs on each one if them and allowed to have 25,000 songs?

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@Silveralert Yes - if you have five playlists, you can have up to 5,000 tracks on each of them.

Hope this helps clarify. 

Adam | Community Moderator
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10-29-2019, and pandora tech has yet to respond. If they have one...

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