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Only listen to 1 artists' songs

Local Performer

is there a way to select an artist and just hear his songs?


Moderator edit: edited title for clarity

Labels (1)
25 Replies

Local Performer

If this is such a problem just to listen to our favorite artist, then why should I even use Pandora?  Sometimes you just want to chill out and listen to a ton of songs from just one artist.  I don't care if you want to put some advertisements there so that artist gets paid. Fine with me. But PLEASE, just let everybody listen to the artist THEY want to listen to. And let advertisements pay for it all.  Problem solved very easily if you get your act together.

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Opening Act

I have noticed that your stations do not hold all available songs by the station Artist.  If you want to make Pandora Better. Please fix this.    I want to hear all Maynard Ferguson's Albums and have them shuffle on His Radio Station. not just the 5 currently contained within.   Maynard Ferguson has 20 + Albums.  Add more plz.

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@XCaliber I moved your post over to this existing thread: Only listen to 1 artists' songs

I recommend utilizing Artist Only Mode if you want your station to only play tracks by the artist it was created for:

Screen Shot 2023-05-08 at 4.30.27 AM.png

It should play music from all albums that we have in our catalog for that particular artist.

Hope this helps!

0 Kudos

Opening Act

You need more of Maynard Ferguson's Albums on your Catalog for us to listen to.  Get More Please !  He has Many.  Try to them all.



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Local Performer

I have created my station CREAM.  All I want to listen to this morning is CREAM.  After 3 songs it is now playing Rolling Stones, Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane.  I thought a STATION was restricted.  HELP?



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@lglismann I moved your post over to this existing thread: Only listen to 1 artists' songs

To limit a station so that it only plays the artist it was created from, you can utilize the Artist Only Pandora Mode:

Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 11.11.21 AM.png

Check out the accepted solution to this thread for more information on Pandora Modes. 

This all being said, for complete control of what you hear on Pandora, try Pandora Premium. 

It combines our radio service with on-demand listening and allows you to create custom playlists, where you can pick and choose exactly what songs you want to hear during your listening sessions.

You'll also be able to navigate to an artist's page and play any of their tracks in our catalog that are available.

Use this link to learn about the many benefits of upgrading.

Hope this helps!

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