Why is there no ability to make or start a station with the group Blackbriar or one of their songs?
Looking forward to it, hopefully soon,
Thank you
Jim R
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
Jillian Hudson https://pandora.app.link/IHvu2ASX2Bb is greyed out. Please add her to the list of artists that can have stations made.
Thank you for reporting, @techapma.
"Dark Sarah" gave an error when trying to start a station
@oatraa Thanks for reporting this.
Hi I cannot make or start a station with the group BvOOm. or one of their songs?
The create station is greyed out
Looking forward to it, hopefully soon,
Thank you
Patsy 🙂
@Patsy22 I moved your post over to this existing thread: Option to create a station is greyed out
Your feedback has now been sent to our curation team for further review.
Thanks for reporting!
Hi, this is something that seems to occurr with newer bands especially. I get a video from a label, I like the band, I try to create a station for them on Pandora, but when I bring up their name via search, the option to create the station is grayed out. I would like to know what criteria Pandora uses to decide whether or not a band gets a station for their music. Seems to me that this is oppressing new bands. Can I finally get a clear answer on this?This is just one example
Hello there, I want to listen to the artist "Late Sorrow" and it won't let me create a station with any of their songs although they're on Pandora. I try to click the radio button and it says unavailable
@Jacobnagy Thanks for reporting this!
"Becoming the Memory" by Royal Coda has the same issue
@NaClKnight Thanks for reporting this!
Hi, I cannot create a station for "The Platt Brothers". Can this be fixed? The button is grayed out.
@ccccd I've passed your feedback along to our curation team for further review.
Thanks for reporting!
Dear Adam, looking to start a station w/ Malte Marten but cannot. Please open it up if they allow it. https://www.pandora.com/artist/malte-marten/ARVd3kqz95b4qhq
@seutoniusx I've passed your feedback along to our curation team for further review.
Thanks for reporting!
I am trying to start a station for Little North jazz group and I am unable to do so. I tried both from the Artist page (the little start station icon is greyed out), also from several of their songs page (start station icon middle of bottom row on the song page is also grayed out).
Is this a license issue or an app problem?
Thanks for your time!
@claudiu To clarify, is this the station you are looking to add to your collection: Little North
If not, can you please link me to the artist page on Pandora that you are referring to?
Thanks for working with me on this.
Yes, Adam, that is the one. And the button is greyed out when I click on the link you sent me:
Side note: I also tried in the app click on Create Station, add Little North, then click Play and I get an error saying we have troubles playing right now, or something to that effect.
Thanks a lot for looking into this!
@claudiu Thanks for confirming.
I've escalated your feedback to our curation team so they can further investigate.
Thanks for your patience in the meantime!
Thank you for the gift that is Pandora, I listen everyday.
Cannot Start Station for Cyrine Abdul Noor - Law Bass Fe Eyne
The start station button is grayed out for the following song. Help is much appreciated.