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Playlists repeat songs in shuffle mode

Opening Act

Hello All,

With nearly 1000 songs in my Thumb's Up playlist, Pandora autoplay will repeat a select group of them frequently, and rarely, if ever plays many songs.

I had figured that the entire playlist would be exhausted before any repeats occurred, no?

If anyone has a hint as to how I can fix this, I'd be deeply grateful. I do have the paid subscription.

Thank you and all the best,


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103 Replies


I have been paying $9.99 for a while now. Ads are nasty and no one wants that. I can not see any advancement in Pandora at all. Shuffle is still broken. It is a pain to remove a song or change its position on the playlist. Yeah just drag and drop just doesn't work. Removed several songs still there. Just over it. I just think Pandora has hit a wall and that this is it.  I need to be able to use what I have easier it is not rocket science. So yeah basically if you sit still like RIM (research in motion) you will die or Tencent will buy you. So I need to see innovation or this will be my last year 

Opening Act

*I notice that this issue was mentioned in 2019. I don't think there has been a fix. When I shuffle my stations, it doesn't cover all my stations and I hear many repeats of the same song. More importantly to me, I have a playlist of over 500 songs and it repeats songs without going through the whole playlist. I'm using the App on my android Samsung Galaxy s20. I need a fix to this problem or I'm afraid I'll have to look into other options.

*UPDATE >  Pandora support sent me this link via twitter. I've spent quite a lot of time creating my own station with songs and artists. Today was the first time I've listened to the station. I've had the station on all day and have had no repeats.


@sanhend Nice to see you around the Community. 

Music repetitive when shuffling stations:

Check out the accepted solution to this thread for some tips on how you can prevent Shuffle mode from getting too repetitive: Music is repetitive in shuffle mode


Songs are repeated when shuffling playlists:

Our engineering team is still currently investigating this issue.

I've added your feedback to the ticket we have open with them.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime as they work to find a fix.

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Opening Act

*The link you sent to the "accepted solution", was not helpful. It is something I've already done. I've seen multiple posts 3 years ago up to the present about these repeating songs while shuffling. All were answered with the same answer "feedback added to the ticket and the engineering team is still currently investigating the issue." How long does it take your team to investigate? Evidently this issue is not going to be resolved. I really hate to leave Pandora because I've used it for years. I've always found it frustrating having to skip through multiple songs during shuffling of stations because of constant repeats. I recently created my first playlist with over 500 songs, and repeating songs in shuffle mode is unacceptable. I'm left with no option other than finding another music provider.

*UPDATE > Pandora sent me this link via Twitter. It seems to resolve the problem. I spent quite a lot of time creating my own station with songs and artists. Today was the first chance I had to listen to the station. I've had it on 4 hours and so far no repeats.

Opening Act

The answer in this forum is unacceptable and something probably everybody had already tried. I know I had. This link has tips that may resolve the problem. I spent a great bit of time creating my own station with songs and artists. Today is the first chance I've had to listen to the station. I've had it on 4 hours with no repeats. I'll update if I run into problems.

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Opening Act

Hard to imagine the magnitude of the inaction, inattention and dismissal of this issue...for over 2 years.

I originally posted this matter 2 years ago....and what have you done? ZERO!!

You create tickets, tell your engineers and suggest solutions but it's clear you are intentionally just kicking the can down the road while you ignore paying-customer complaints while you continue to charge them money.

They call that a: scam.

You've never offered to credit us in the way of compensation for your violation of trust, your breaking of a contract between buyer and seller...

No. Your (in)actions point to only one thing: you don't have any loyalty to your customers, are perfectly OK stealing our money and truly don't GAF about our interests.

Way to go pandora. There are plenty of ways to spread the word on how awful you treat your loyal customers, and I'm sure many are already offering warnings.

But companies that ignore their customers inevitably die. So it's not a matter of if, bit when.

You should be ashamed, but something tells me that your conscience died a long time ago.


Opening Act

PuffDaddy, I absolutely agree with you!! This community does not help and Pandora doesn't seem to care or take notice. I received this link via their support team on Twitter. I am creating a station with songs and artists to give it a try.  Tips to improve stations ( It's more information than I've gotten from this Pandora community. I'll have to put a lot of work into it, so I hope it works. I'm also on a 3 month free trial of Spotify and so far, I like it. It does not repeat my playlist songs. It took me a long time to create my playlist, so I haven't had time to build a collection to try shuffling yet. I will create a collection other than my playlist soon and see if it shuffles correctly between playlists. I will report back my findings.

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Opening Act


I personally don't shuffle stations, just my thumbs up playlist.

With all the craziness of the last few years, I guess I've just tolerated the issue. But recently a few people have commented on my original post, so I got notifications.

I have tried Spotify. If they, or Amazon could import my playlist, I'd be gone in a heartbeat. I know that technology is available, but so far, to my understanding, Amazon and Spotify have not figured out how to do it.

It's beyond ridiculous at this point. My guess us it's all about the money...

Keep the pressure on!

Happy listening!


Local Performer

Yeah this is a problem for Pandora for sure. I have been a paying customer for many years, and the song repetition is becoming a deal breaker. I too have spent years building my thumbs up playlist and hesitate leaving Pandora because of all the time I spent building it, but I think I'm ready to leave for these reasons:

They've known about the problem for a long time and haven't fixed it.

The support pages do nothing, The idea of having to go in a tweak setting is BS. Why put the repair burden on the user? And even with says to use the "I'm tired of this track" feature, guess what I didn't find it!  Yet another dead end.

My wife even noticed the song repetition, while she listens casually with the music playing.

Today I'll uninstall the app then reinstall as suggested on the help pages, but I hold little hope for success as others have tried it, and it didn't work for them.

What a shame.


@gethegood I definitely understand your frustration.

Our engineering team is still currently investigating this issue.

I've added your feedback to the ticket we have open with them.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime as they work to find a fix.

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This has been the same response for years

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Opening Act

I feel your pain.
I was not aware of the uninstall/reinstall reboot.  I suppose it's worth a try.
My guess is it has to do with money.  Royalty payments to's beyond incompetence at this point, more like deliberate, aggressive avoidance of the issue....and committed customer neglect.
I've reached out to Amazon...they are working on the capacity to import entire playlists...Qobuz is a hi-def streamer that I sampled, but they were not able to import much of my 1100++ song playlist.
The clock is ticking.  Surprising (or is it?) that Pandora is willing to ignore patrons in such a competitive marketplace.
Best of luck.  Please keep me posted if you find answers.
God bless.

Aggressive abuse of loyal customers....why?

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Local Performer

So what is the solution to this problem. I’m encountering the same problem


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@RaJ2034 I'd be happy to help with any questions you have, but I will need additional information to do so.

Can you explain your issue a bit further?

Are you also running into issues with tracks repeating when shuffling your customized playlists?

The more details you're able to provide, the better equipped I'll be to help.

I look forward to hearing back.

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Opening Act
I have 1000++ songs in my Thumbs Up playlist.  When I play it in "shuffle" mode, it fails to exhaust the playlist first before it repeats the same songs over, and over, and over again.
Many songs have never been played, and some are played again and again and again.
It's been this way for years.  


And still no solution 

0 Kudos

Opening Act

There hasn't been a solution for years. Unfortunately, everything Pandora suggests does not solve the issue. The repetitiveness is brain-numbing! I'm constantly putting tracks to sleep. If I'm in my car all I can do is skip tracks, so I'm constantly skipping tracks.

I'm trying to gather information about other providers. I'd like to hear of personal experiences to make an informed choice, but don't know where to post asking for experiences. 

Opening Act
It's beyond negligence at this point.  Pandora refuses to address this issue.  My guess is it has to do with money, royalties or something like that.  Why else would they intentionally ignore us for YEARS???!!

Opening Act

I'm beyond frustrated at their lack of concern and refusal to address this problem and come up with an acceptable solution. I'm going to research purchasing a Bluetooth mp3 player.

0 Kudos

Opening Act

With no help from Pandora, I've found a solution to repeating songs from another user. Unfortunately, it does not work within a playlist. 

There is no remedy for songs constantly repeating within a playlist, and it seems Pandora doesn't give a rip, so I ditched my playlist and created a station with songs and artists. I also shuffle my entire collection at times.

The key is not to use the thumbs or skip too many tracks. It took a great long while, but I went back and removed all of my thumbs up and thumbs down. Repeats are not near as bad, but like I said, this doesn't work within a playlist.



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