I have all my stations shuffling & have spent years clicking thumbs up on the songs I like. But as of yesterday I noticed none of the songs have thumbs up & are all songs I had previously thumbed up, I went into my collection & see a new station called Shuffle & now all the same songs are just playing over & over 😞 Is this new? What is happening?
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity
Pandora Update 02/10/22:
Hello again, everyone! 👋
We believe the issue with thumb ratings not displaying correctly when in Shuffle Mode should now be resolved.
Please try again, and if you continue to run into issues, please create a new thread in the My Collection space.
@karalivbus Could you tell me a bit more about what is happening? Are you listening to Pandora on a computer or on a device?
Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝
Hello! I am using my windows laptop as I have for 10+ years while I work. I have a huge collection & have thousands of thumb's up songs that the stations shuffle throughout the day but yesterday I noticed it was like none of the songs had a thumbs up. So when I went into my collection I saw at the bottom there's this new shuffle station I have never seen before. This new 'Shuffle' station at the bottom that doesn't recognize which songs I've liked & not liked & is just playing the songs I liked in the past over & over & over on stations I already thumb's up the song on but its not recognizing it. Shuffle Selection
See the 'Shuffle' station at the bottom? I've never seen that before
Shuffle StationScreenshot of my Now Playing screen:
Now Playing Screen
Another example: I liked the song Cream by Prince on Prince Radio, it is playing right now but the thumb up is not recognized. Here is a screenshot of it playing & that it is listed under my liked songs on Prince RadioThis song should be thumbed up
Here it is under liked songs on Prince Radio
@karalivbus The next time this happens, can you please scroll down and grab a screenshot of the station the track is playing from while on Shuffle?
When listening to Shuffle, you can view which station a particular song is from by scrolling to the bottom of the Now Playing screen. A banner will appear at the top of the window.
It should say "[Station_Name] Radio," and then the name of the track.
Here is a screenshot of where it can be located as well:
Thanks again for working with me on this.
Absolutely, I know exactly what you are talking about that is how I see what station the song is playing on to assure I don't like the same song on multiple stations:
Duffy StationYou can literally see it is playing & the thumb up is not recognized.
Liked song not recognized.
@karalivbus Thanks for following up.
I launched your account, and I do not see the "Shuffle" station that is seen in your screenshot.
Does this only happen when shuffling using that "Shuffle" station you are seeing?
What happens if you shuffle your stations by clicking on the shuffle icon at the top of the screen:
Lastly, can you please confirm with me what browser and browser version you are using?
Thanks again for all your help with this.
it IS on Shuffle that is what I'm saying, something is wrong. Here is another song I have liked on the Bruno Mar's radio station & it is playing right now on shuffle but the thumbs up is not showing. My account has been doing this for 2 days. I feel like I'm going to have to start all over & I've been working on my stations since like 2008 or something
I'm using Chrome, is that what you mean by browser? I don't know how to tell what version but its strange that just one day this started happening. Its happening on my mobile app too when I use it in my car
@karalivbus I've gone ahead and escalated your feedback to our engineers so they can help look into this further.
One other question I have, is what happens when you play each station one at a time vs. shuffling?
Do the thumb ratings still show up as unmarked when songs you've previously thumbed up play?
Let me know.
To add I have removed the 'Shuffle' station from My Collection
Then on the Now Playing page I click on shuffle again
The 'Shuffle' station just reappears under My Collection & I know it is playing because the moving sound thingies are moving.
One other question I have, is what happens when you play each station one at a time vs. shuffling?
Do the thumb ratings still show up as unmarked when songs you've previously thumbed up play?
Let me know.
YES When I click on the station & not shuffle the thumbs ARE working. I will try clearing my catch / cookies & all that....I haven't tried that yet.
Same exact issue here - started yesterday or day before. Didn't think much of it at first. But its just as you describe. With Shuffle Stations enabled, all tracks appear as "unrated" even though i know they are and my 8,000+ thumbs exist inside of my profile settings. Sidenote, during this time i have also noticed some new/different selections popping up, which has been welcomed.
@Dain Nice to see you around the Community.
@karalivbus mentioned that this only happens when they shuffle their stations.
To clarify, if you play your stations one at a time, do your thumb ratings still appear as unrated?
Or do they appear as unrated regardless of whether you shuffle your stations, or only listen to them one at a time?
Let me know.
Thank you for the additional information, @karalivbus.
I will make sure to pass that along to our engineering team as well.
Thanks again for all your patience with this.
Stations played directly still show previous ratings. Only in shuffle (i use custom shuffle and not shuffle all) does it not show any previous ratings. This began sometime early this week, around the end of Jan, beginning of Feb.
Im kind of OK with it really since i can always re-rate items in shuffle, the Thumb count under my profile still shows 8000+ and my stations have not become jumbled or weird in single-play mode. This was more of a UI oddity. One noteworthy bug/feature of this happening is that songs offered up in shuffle mode have been drastically new and different whereas in the past i had started getting frustrated that it seemed that shuffle was playing the same selections every day.
I played a Chill station for a day. When I switched back to Shuffle all of my Thumbs were gone. Every track now shows up as not thumbed.
I'm having this same issue. Seems yall have been working on it since last year with no solution. I've used pandora since it came out and use pandora premium. I have to agree it's time to move apps. I shouldn't have to thumbs up a song I did 3 times already. Also why do I only hear the same 50 songs over and over instead of the 2.7k songs I've liked since having my account?
@Kristensttn To clarify, when thumb ratings are missing, does this occur when you are shuffling your stations?
Or does it happen regardless of whether you are shuffling your stations, or playing one station at a time?
Additionally, can you please send me a screenshot of the next track that plays where it is no longer marked as thumbed up?
Thanks for working with me on this.
I am having to re-click on the thumbs up icon for songs that were already flagged as thumbs up.
I recently upgraded to Premium, but before and after the upgrade my thumbs up are gone. Could you please restore my account to show previously thumbed up songs?