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Removing artist modes

On the Rise


I have a station that i created many years ago. Recently i played it once again and noticed 2 things: the content it is playing is vastly different than what normally plays on the station. Secondly the station has a new "exclusive artist mode" (hosted and curated by one of the artists) listed as one of the seeds. How do i get that removed so i can have my station back? Its named DJ Khalid/Akon

Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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37 Replies

Community Manager
Community Manager

@KevinM391 Could you tell me a bit more about what is happening?

To clarify, does Pandora start playing randomly on its own without you opening the app?

If so, does this happen on a computer or on a device?

  1. If you are on a computer, are you listening from:
    • A Mac or Windows computer?
    • Our website, or the desktop app? If you're listening from our website, what browser are you using?
  2. If you are on a device, what is the make and model (and carrier, if applicable)?
  3. Is there an error message? If so, what does it say?
  4. Can you provide me with a screenshot of what you're seeing?

Thanks for working with me on this. 🤝

Adam | Community Moderator
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On the Rise

the pop up is definitely an artist mode in which artists do talk so switching back to my station would solve that piece of it but no idea on the rest. Luckily your in good hands with Adam here kevinm391 

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Local Performer

I had a station called Metallica Radio and had given it certain bands I preferred. Last Sunday it wouldn't play at all saying the station wasn't available and now it only plays interview clips from the band about other artists/songs and then plays those, nothing from the bands I preferred in the settings?

I recently deleted that station and created a new one around one of the other bands and added all the same preferred artists and it's resumed playing everything but Metallica.  Did Pandora lose a license or something?

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@secretmoose I've gone ahead and restored your Metallica Radio station for you.

I took a look, and it appears you had your station set to the Mode: The Pop-Up: Metallica.

Screen Shot 2022-08-30 at 4.41.18 AM.png

That particular Mode will play stories, interviews, etc from Metallica, which would explain the interview clips you mentioned hearing.

Instead, make sure to switch your station back to My Station Mode in order to back to your regular listening selections.

Hope this helps!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

Thanks!  I don't ever recall using that mode, never knew it existed!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Always happy to help, @secretmoose.

Enjoy the music! 🎶

Adam | Community Moderator
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 My playlist, that I’ve worked on for years, has been hijacked by “Pop up: Keith Richards” - it plays mostly music I do not like and/or doesn’t fit the list.  While your instructions on how to turn this godawful idea off, I only use the iPhone app and that doesn’t work there.  Please advise how to disable this in this instance and forever forward.  Otherwise I will be cancelling my subscription.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@pizzymcgith If you are on an iPhone, you can switch back to My Station Mode by tapping on the Modes dropdown at the top of the screen:

Screen Shot 2022-11-10 at 10.52.39 AM.png

Let me know if this helps.

Adam | Community Moderator
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This isn’t how it presents on my app


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Community Manager
Community Manager

@pizzymcgith You will need to navigate to play the station, and then navigate to the Now Playing screen before you can select which Mode you want to listen to.

Tap on the Play button, and then when you are brought to the Now Playing screen (where you can give Thumbs Up/Down to songs), the option to select the My Station Mode will appear at the top of the screen.

Let me know how it goes.

Adam | Community Moderator
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THANK YOU!!! That worked!  Please convey my extreme displeasure to the developers - I was about to cancel m ly susbscription because of this.  It applied on its own and completely ruined pandora and it is not at all apparent how to fix it.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Always happy to help, @pizzymcgith.

Enjoy the music! 🎶

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

Ahhhhhhhh.. thanks My Station....Duh

Local Performer

I’ve removed “artist mode” from the now playing screen and changed it back to “my station”, but the “my collection” screen still shows “artist mode”.  Can I permanently change this back to “my station” mode?  I really do not like artist mode - I just keep hearing songs by the same artist. I even went in and removed some of them - I like them but was getting tired of hearing them all the time.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@shgillam Can you please send me a screenshot of what you're seeing after selecting the My Station mode?

Thanks for working with me on this.

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I don't know why this Station Mode is showing up at the top of one of my stations.  I don't want it but can't make it go away.  Thanks for your help.


Screenshot 2023-03-03 135833.png

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@NickLurby I moved your post over to this existing thread: Removing artist modes

Unfortunately, there is not a way to remove those Modes options from your station.

If you'd prefer to have your regular station playing, make sure to have My Station highlighted on the Now Playing screen:

Screen Shot 2023-03-04 at 4.55.56 AM.png

Check out the accepted solution to this thread for more information.

If you'd like to see the option to remove the Mode from your station entirely, I recommend upvoting this existing feature request with a ❤️Option to remove/hide Exclusive Curated Modes on stations

Hope this helps clarify. 

Adam | Community Moderator
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New music alert! Picks of the Week (2.10.25)
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Local Performer

Very annoying "MODE POPUPS"! I just subcribed and now I'm considering ending my subscription.

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