@chrisscheer Nice to see you around the community!
If you haven't yet already, I recommend checking out the existing feature requests we have, and adding a comment with your specific suggestions:
💡More sorting options for Premium
💡Prevent duplicate songs on playlists
>>Check out: The Listener Lounge: August 2024
>>Visit New Music: Picks of the Week (09.02.24)
@chrisscheer Nice to see you around the community!
If you haven't yet already, I recommend checking out the existing feature requests we have, and adding a comment with your specific suggestions:
💡More sorting options for Premium
💡Prevent duplicate songs on playlists
>>Check out: The Listener Lounge: August 2024
>>Visit New Music: Picks of the Week (09.02.24)
More sorting options for Premium
Prevent duplicate songs on playlists
your answer was
I moved your post to our Feature Request space since this is not yet a feature of the app. Thanks for your suggestion! for sorting issues
I have moved your post to the Feature Requests space under this thread to keep the forums organized. It looks like there are others who are looking for the same feature to get added to the service.
Thanks again for all of your great suggestions! duplicate issues
How is this helpful at all ?
Really .................. Hope is not a strategy and as a Premium user who just swallowed a price increase for functions I don't use. Please fix the functions I need
It's not Rocket Science to be able to organize a playlist. Just being able to sort from A to Z would suffice..
Moderator Edit: Format
@davidpatey I definitely understand your frustration with this.
Unfortunately, since these aren't currently features of the Pandora, the best way to get your voices heard by our product team is to create new feature requests for things you'd like to see added to the service, or comment and ❤️on the existing threads that have already been created by other users.
We appreciate your feedback and suggestions as we are continually working to improve our service for all of our listeners.
Hope we continue to see you around the community! 🎧
>>Check out: The Listener Lounge: August 2024
>>Visit New Music: Picks of the Week (09.02.24)
I’m pretty sure pandora used to have a button at the bottom of a playlist to delete unwanted dupelicate songs from playlist what ever happened to this button and why was it deleted? It was a useful tool especially when you’ve added dupelicate aomgs to a playlist on the website or on the app and now wanna delete them but don’t wanna have to make a spread sheet of the playlist.
@Devandeilkes Nice to see you around the community!
Unfortunately, that is not currently a feature that is available.
If you haven't yet already, I recommend checking out the existing feature requests we have, and adding a comment with your specific suggestions:
💡More sorting options for Premium
💡Prevent duplicate songs on playlists
Hope this helps!
>>Check out: The Listener Lounge: August 2024
>>Visit New Music: Picks of the Week (09.02.24)
Anybody out there know how to search out a single artist/band in the Thumbs Up list so that you don't add the same songs over again?
@Big_D Unfortunately, there isn't currently a way to search or sort through your customized playlists (including your My Thumbs Up playlist).
If you haven't yet already, I recommend checking out the existing feature requests we have, and adding a comment with your specific suggestions - make sure to upvote them with a ❤️as well:
💡More sorting options for Premium
💡Prevent duplicate songs on playlists
Hope this helps!
>>Check out: The Listener Lounge: August 2024
>>Visit New Music: Picks of the Week (09.02.24)
Been mentioning this feature for over 5 years - posts in reply to this person is only about how it is not currently a feature and fails to address WHY it was REMOVED. You also fail to explain how someone is to notice and remove duplicate songs. As a staunch defender of Pandora you make it very hard, look at your exact same copy and paste responses - this is pathetic and sad..
You haven't answered the question Adam! Pandora needs to provide an option to prevent duplicate songs being added to a playlist. It can't be that difficult.
so in other words, pandora doesnt have a clue?
i want this too, just became a premium member and started getting duplicates added
What's up? It's been years and this option still isn't available. Make me want to cancel. I'm starting to think they want the dups to play so they can make more money from commercials.
PLEASE add back a method to remove duplicates from playlists. It could be as simple as a search button to search the current playlist. It would not be so disappointing if there was a way to export the playlist to a text file or copy/paste off the webpage (not possible)