There is no audio sound to pandora on my LG TV ; music flips to the next artists.. can anyone help me?
mod edit: changing title for clarity
Our problem was the sound showed on Pandora app, but there was no sound. We have a LG TV. Direct TV uploaded the app. I went to Home/Settings/System/Apps/see all apps/Pandora/Cleared defaults/Cleared cache/did a uninstall all updates which made that option now say "disabled"/then clicked get factory version. Now the sound works!! May have to go back to the step after I cleared the cache and now "enable updates"?? That will be another day... 😎 Hope this helps someone else.
Thanks for posting to community @BW55! Sorry to hear you're experiencing this. I've moved your post from our Community Chat to Other Devices in our Support Forum. This helps keep things organized and helps other listeners that may have a similar problem with their LG TV find a solution.
Could you tell me a bit more about what is happening.?
Thanks for the help! Let me know
No error message. I see all of my stations, progress bar is moving, but no sound. Gotta be something simple
Hi, @terrymize. 👋
Thanks so much for providing that info.
I’ve enabled a trace on your Pandora account to help us better understand what’s happening. For this trace to be useful, we’ll need you to run through our troubleshooting steps here.
If you're experiencing this on a device older than 2017, please try out these steps.
Let me know how it goes and whether the issue persists.
Our problem was the sound showed on Pandora app, but there was no sound. We have a LG TV. Direct TV uploaded the app. I went to Home/Settings/System/Apps/see all apps/Pandora/Cleared defaults/Cleared cache/did a uninstall all updates which made that option now say "disabled"/then clicked get factory version. Now the sound works!! May have to go back to the step after I cleared the cache and now "enable updates"?? That will be another day... 😎 Hope this helps someone else.