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Onkyo Devices: Pandora no longer connects to receiver

Local Performer

My Onkyo receiver has stopped connecting with Pandora internet radio.  I connected the receiver with a cable to my router and it still will not connect.  The error message is “The server connection could not be established “.  

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity



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Hey @bbarnouw!

Just wanted to clarify the stations you're having with trouble with on Pandora Radio. From your previous post, you mentioned that some stations didn't work with your Onkyo. I'd like to pass this along to our engineering team.

If you're having trouble with Sling, I would recommend reaching out to their Support Team for further help. 

Tanner | Community Moderator

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AH!!  Sorry!   wrong "support" group!!  (currently on one with ROKU too)

the channels that i am having problems with are:bb christmas (i made this one), Kenny chesney (holiday), today's hits radio, chill (another station I made), today's christmas radio, bb (another station I "created")

hope this helps, please let me know what i can do to further help.


Haha! No worries 😊 

I'll take a look at the stations you mentioned and pass this along to our engineering team. Thanks!

Tanner | Community Moderator

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I wanted to follow up on this....

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Our situation was resolved by an admin who reset our connection. We had to
dig out and sign back in. Voila! I am thinking the system got stuck
because we didn’t respond to the “are you still listening”? Prompt


Hi @bbarnouw!

I have passed your info over to our engineering team. Unfortunately, I don't have any additional info on a timeline for a fix. Keep an eye out on this thread for future updates.  

Tanner | Community Moderator

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OK.  I wanted to follow up with the previous email about which stations are not working.I was going off memory, but just went through them all and made a list.  It takes a while as I have to constantly unplug my Onkyo receiver then try the next station.  It kicks the receiver off the network whereas the APP on my phone wont recognize a receiver.  BUT.. Here's the list of the Pandora stations that no longer work on my Onkyo TX 8160 receiver :
Rock Radio50's Rock 'N Roll Radiobb Christmas (I "created" that station)Today's Hit RadioChill (I "created" that station)Country Christmas RadioToday's Christmas Radio
my other stations do work:Christmas (Holiday) RadioJazz Piano RadioRegular Dinner Music (I "created" that station)Dance Pop RadioKenny Chesney (Holiday) RadioBB XMass dinner (I "created" that station)Smooth Jazz Radiobb (I "created" that station)

ANY Help is appreciated.. this is getting frustrating. 
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Opening Act

I'm also having the exact same issue with my Onkyo HT-RC560.  It also happens to be on Christmas Radio... on Christmas!  😥😓😭

How quickly can I have my device reset?

I've done some more testing and believe it has something to do with the new "Curated Stations" and possibly the newer "modes" that have been added.  Every other station I try works fine, but any stations that is "Curated" with these new modes totally hangs my Onkyo HT-RC560.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@robross0606 I've added your feedback to the ticket we currently have open with the engineers who are looking into this.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I've got two Onkyo TXNR-616 receivers that lockup when I select Pentatonics (Holiday Mix) Radio they lock up.  We really only use this function on one of them,  and did the normal debug. Even did a factory reset on it. Thought it was a hardware issue on that one receiver. Yesterday, I tried to select that channel on the other receiver and it hung at connecting, so that makes me think that something is being handed back to the receiver to cause it to hang.   I would like to request that you disassociate these two receivers so I can test if that resolves my issues, thanks! 

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Hi @gdhauler!

Consider it done. When this takes affect you'll automatically be logged out. Let me know how it goes. 

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Opening Act

Was my device ever removed from my account?  Doesn’t appear so even tho I asked.

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Hi @robross0606 - I checked your account and I see one Onkyo device connection from 12/24. Was this the first time you connected your device to your Pandora account?

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Opening Act

Definitely not the first time I’ve used it with Pandora and with this same station. That device has been connected and used for years for this very purpose. But it started hanging when I tried to use it on Christmas Eve this year.

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@robross0606  So it looks like the association had been removed prior, but I can remove it again if you're still having trouble. I see @AdamPandora passed along your information already. I'll just update with that note that you continue to have trouble. 

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Opening Act

My device has not been reset. Starting up my Onkyo takes me right into my Pandora account with all my stations. It even starts automatically playing the last station (that didn’t freeze the whole Onkyo).  Please have them clear out this device pairing so I can log in again.

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Hi @robross0606

I removed the device myself and can confirm that the device was removed. From my end I can see the only connection with an Onkyo is from today (12/30). But it sounds like you're automatically be logged in regardless of this. There may be another problem. 

I'll remove the connection again, I would recommend power cycling your Onkyo by unplugging it, letting it sit for 5 minutes and then plugging it back in. 

I've removed the connection today, 12/30 around 9:50am PST. 

Let me know how it goes. 

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Opening Act

I just received this email and unplugged my Onkyo.  I will leave it unplugged for most of the rest of the afternoon.


Sounds good, @robross0606! FYI with the New Year holiday approaching, our response times may be longer than usual. Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Opening Act

After plugging back in, it signed me right back in automatically. Even after a full factory reset it still had my credentials. Bizarre.  Anyway, I tried the stations again after it signed me back in and can report they’re now working without locking up the Onkyo.  Thanks!