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Yamaha Device: "Access Error" Message


I'm experiencing  the same "Access Error" across all (3) of my Yamaha devices all of a sudden - I can play Pandora fine on my PC through web page, and on my phone with Pandora app.  This just started happening for no apparent reason.  Network access from my Yamaha's is fine as they can play Internet radio stations just fine. I can't even log back in/or out - the Yamaha just refuses to even try to connect with "Access error" . I find it difficult to believe all three of my Yamaha Musiccast devices failed at the same time, this must have something to do with my Pandora account?

Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity

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Hi @jslies and @MSantee - thanks for visiting the community!

Other users have mentioned that removing the Yamaha device from your Pandora account and going through the set-up has helped them. I've gone ahead and removed the device from your respective accounts. When this takes affect, you'll automatically logged out. Please patience at this may not happen immediately.

I would also like to include some networking steps:

  1. Shut down your Yamaha completely;
  2. Unplug your modem and router, wait 10 minutes, and then plug them back in;
  3. Wait five more minutes to allow the modem and router to fully boot back up;
  4. Turn your Yamaha back on and try Pandora again.

Let me know how it goes. 


Tanner | Community Moderator

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This issue just started with my Yamaha. How can I get it fixed?

Just upgraded my internet router and wifi, and now I get "access error" when trying to access Pandora on my Yamaha receiver.  My Pandora works on my phone and my laptop.  Also, other music apps work on my Yamaha receiver Musiccast app. Thanks for assistance with this.

Any idea where to go for support on this issue?

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Hi @ca_spin! Thanks for posting to community. 

Some users have mentioned that removing the Yamaha device from your Pandora account and going through the set-up has helped them.

However, I checked your Pandora account and I don't see a Yamaha device associated with it. Is it possible that you have another Pandora account?

I'll follow up in a private message here on community. Please note that you may receive an email notification about this message but be sure to respond directly through community. 


Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer

Same problem happening here. Yamaha RX-v681 has been having the same issue. Been  stuck having to use Bluetooth from my phone, but prefer to use the actual receiver app.

 Connected via WiFi. Have five extended power off on receiver and the router with no avail.

 Can we get the receiver pulled off the activation of our account?

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Hi @JohnCarp! Thanks for posting.

I'm not seeing a Yamaha device associated with this Pandora account. Did you reach out to our Support Team for help or perhaps it's under a different email address?

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer

I too have a Yamaha receiver that has an access error repeatedly.  We can usually get Pandora back by cycling through the list of streaming services.  It may take several tries before it comes back.  If that doesn't work, we turn the entire unit off and then try reconnecting when we turn it back on.  In both the cases listed above it may take several tries before we achieve success.  The access errors are happening with increasing frequency, sometimes as frequently as every 5-10 minutes.  We would appreciate help with a solution.

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Local Performer

My Yamaha RX-V673 will not load Pandora. It produces an "Access Error". May I please have someone logout/disassociate this Yamaha device from my account? I searched community posts and found that others are having a similar issue and that this worked.

I have confirmed that my internet and network are fully functional...other services work just fine.  I disconnected my system power several times too. I am unable to logout of Pandora on this Yamaha device. Pandora works on all my other devices. Thank you.

Local Performer

I'm also having this problem now... my musicast/yamaha has always worked with Pandora ... but now it's saying 'Access error'... and I can't figure out how to get it reset?...  


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Hi @mbeames and @verres! Welcome to Pandora community. 

I've removed the Yamaha device association with both of your Pandora accounts. When this takes affect, you'll automatically be logged out. However, this may not happen immediately, please be patient. 

The following network troubleshooting steps, may also be helpful. 

  1. Shut down your Yamaha completely;
  2. Unplug your modem and router, wait 10 minutes, and then plug them back in;
  3. Wait five more minutes to allow the modem and router to fully boot back up;
  4. Turn your Yamaha back on and try Pandora again.

Let me know if you continue to have trouble. 


Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer

Thank you, i will try this tonight and see if it works.  I hope it works.... the requirement of asking Pandora to disconnect my devices seems pretty backwards to me...and inconvenient for both user and pandora.  I"m just going to throw this out there, but why not allow folks to see/manage their devices from within their pandora account...  

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Local Performer

I am having the same issue. And stopped using it since now it blinks on and off, on screen,  and won't connect through the internet plug.

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Local Performer

i'm quite sure you're not alone in choosing to use other services.   I spent several hours over two days trying to get this to work -- i'm hopeful it will work tonight when I get home...but given how well it worked  up until recently, I can only imagine it was an 'upgrade' to Pandora and/or Musicast that is now incompatible...  

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Local Performer

Thank you Tanner. That worked!


Thanks for letting me know, @mbeames! 🙌


@Nmontya80 Thanks for posting. Since others have reported that this has been resolved by removing the device association, I've gone ahead and done that for your account. When this takes affect, you'll automatically be logged out. 

When you log back in, let me know if you're still having trouble. 

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Hi Tanner - I have this problem again.  Last time it worked when my receiver was dis- associated. Can you pls help again?


thanks -Praveen

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Local Performer

Same error. Yamaha WXC-50 says "unable to connect to pandora" anf there are no further options.

I've power cycled, reset my modem and my router, deleted and reinstalled the app on my phone. nothing. 

Company arriving in 20 min, no music in my house.


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Hi @Kpbhat2005! Looks like you reached out to our User Support team and they were able to help you out via email.

Hi @81arctic! Sorry to hear this is happening. I've gone ahead and removed the Yamaha device association with your Pandora account. When this takes affect, you'll automatically be logged out.

After you've been logged out, run through the set-up process once more and let me know if you're still having trouble. 

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer

Same problem as 5000 other people. Network radio works fine. user ecarbone2051

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Hi @ecarbone2051! Thanks for posting your experience. 

I merged you post into an existing thread. Other listeners have said that removing the Yamaha device association with your Pandora account has helped. 

While you won't be able to do this on your end, I'm happy to remove the association. I've gone ahead and done this. When this takes affect, you'll automatically be logged out. 

Run through the set-up once again and try Pandora. If you're still have trouble, let me know. 

Tanner | Community Moderator

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Local Performer

Yamaha RN303 receiver and MusicCast app stopped playing Pandora today.  Also unable to play any internet stations.  Can still Bluetooth from iPad or iPhone but do not understand why keep getting message “access error”.  Double checked modem working and local network is connected. Very disappointed as this was supposed to be a great improvement over our old Grace Audio internet radio. Any ideas? System only a couple months old.

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