Created | Tier | Playlists | Stations | Thumbs | Music hours | Podcast hours |
0/0/0 | undefined | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Hi @TannerPandora , I yet again am faced with the wonderful "Access Error" when trying to play Pandora on my Yamaha Musicast 7810. I had this problem last year and came to this forum and you did some magic to resolve it for all three of my Yamaha devices. Sometimes if I leave my Yamahao unplugged for a few hours I find that it resolves, but not this time. I find it fantastic that you are able to "fix" this so quickly, but odd that this is the only method of resolution. And of course, this usually happens at the worst time - like when hosting a party or on holidays. Is there any permanent solution in sight? Who can the angry mob point their pitchforks at? 🙂 In the mean time, can you remove my device association for all of my Yamaha devices associated with my account? Thanks!
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Something fixed it. After reading your post, I checked again, and was stuck on the same "Access Error", but I power cycled the unit and rejoined the network(Tried that a dozen times before your post) and this time I was greeted with a "Pleas enter your credentials". Works Great! I checked the other two units, and they are also working after entering my credentials (did not need to power cycle the other units). Thank you Tanner - you saved my weekend!!
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I'm experiencing the same "Access Error" across all (3) of my Yamaha devices all of a sudden - I can play Pandora fine on my PC through web page, and on my phone with Pandora app. This just started happening for no apparent reason. Network access from my Yamaha's is fine as they can play Internet radio stations just fine. I can't even log back in/or out - the Yamaha just refuses to even try to connect with "Access error" . I find it difficult to believe all three of my Yamaha Musiccast devices failed at the same time, this must have something to do with my Pandora account?
Moderator Edit: Changing title for clarity
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