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Ad Feedback - Repetitive Ads

Local Performer

Pandora please, cancel your Tide ad "coffee stain on my white shirt"

It is the most irritating ad I have ever heard in my life, I can't believe how ubiquitous it is in my car, on TV, and the internet.  Literally told my wife to stop buying Tide products because of it, and change channels to try to avoid that corny frustrating advert.  The actor/singer in it should be ashamed.

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83 Replies

Local Performer

Dear Pandora. I have been listening to you for literally Y E A R S......but I have recently switched over to Amazon Prime Music. Why? Peloton Bike Commercials. I thought ok for November and December. Its the holidays, marketing, yada yada yada. But when it didn't end in January......I'm done. I loved Pandora. I was there for the wonderful music. But, Amazon Prime Music is where I am at now.

Local Performer

I understand overkill on your ads to push people to subscribe to your ad-free option, but the Peleton voice-over lady who is trying to sound like a trainer is SO unrealistic & completely annoying.  I am a fitness instructor and I can tell you that is SO NOT motivating anyone to either buy Peleton OR to continue listening to your music.  The fact that you keep overplaying your ads to your "low-level" listeners/subscribers makes us all want to jump ship.  If you had a monopoly & there were no other options for music listening, I could see doing this, but Pandora is one of many options.  Either listen to your customers or they will go elsewhere.   Mixing up your ad choices would make the real annoying ads a little more tolerable. 

Local Performer

yeah same. stopped using pandora and switched to spotify web player because of ridiculous ads


Local Performer

You seem to be able to classify music to create a good listen experience.  Try classifying the ads.  I listen to classical, soft rock.  The Cory Carson streaming ad is horrid.

Local Performer

The newer Tide ad with the nervous, fast talking, "what if... what if..." idiot is a very, very small improvement.  I take my headphones off every time it comes on.  Whoever Tide hired to produce their ads is not doing them any favors.

Local Performer

How do I get the Stop Smoking Commercials to stop playing on my account? I quit smoking 2 years ago and I find it highly offensive to constantly have these ads coming across my account throughout the day. How do I make it change to something else. And I'm not willing to pay for premium!

Local Performer

Agree completely!  I've been listening to Pandora while I work for years, but I'm ready to shut the account down.  If I have to listen to Maddie saying how much she loves Chick-Fil-A one more time, I may never go to Chick-Fil-A again!  It's a horrible ad to start with, and it's playing every 20 minutes the entire time I listen to Pandora.   

Local Performer

Stupid peloton commercial

Can someone please stop this ad?  I have opted out of  every ad option available and it's literally the only  ad playing ... I hate this woman and her annoying voice...


Hellp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Moderator Edit: Format

0 Kudos

Local Performer

I guess I'm going to have to go back to IHeartRadio. Too bad!

0 Kudos


I agree 100%. I stopped listening to Pandora last year because of those ads. Then just the other day I was in the bath and thought I'd give it a try again. I was listening to a relaxation station, and something came on in a soothing voice about relaxing waves on the beach, I'm like oh what's this. turns out to be another tide ad barged right through like a Trojan horse... I'm done with them. There's plenty of better options out there, if I can't trust Pandora to play "normal" ads... 


How is this action possibly and in any way a solution? This thread is marked as "solved" and all you did is moved the post (probably somewhere it's less easily seen) and told us we could pay you to stop harassing us with these ads. Gee, how thoughtful. Bye Pandora. You've had well over a year to do something about our concerns. 

Local Performer

I don't mind ads. But the nicotine ads (they say they're anti-nicotine, but all I get is that there are new candy-flavored disposable vapes! Yum!) infuriate me.

Is there a way to fine-tune those specific ads out of my rotation?

Local Performer

Does anyone else feel that it is irresponsible for Pandora to promote non-essential businesses, like tanning salons (???) to entice people to venture not only out of their houses, but to an environment that is virtually impossible to sanitize between customers at the moment? People lie nude in those machines. Is there a full-body mask I haven't heard of? They should really take that ad off the air. It completely gives the impression that the worst is over. As usual, anything for money, as seems to be the governmental status quo these days. Disturbing. 

0 Kudos

Local Performer

Why are there so many vape ads for teenagers??? My parents apparently have never gotten vape ads, but that is all I hear and some of them make me super uncomfortable especially since I don’t vape or plan on vaping. I’m curious about if it only effects teens or are there others who suffer this problem.

Local Performer

Is there anyway to tailor the ads? I'm gay and refuse to eat at Chik-fil-A.. but I'm inundated with that brainless, cultist, 'Maddie' going on and on about how much she adores their hate-filled food. 


mine is the Sheba cat food, with the guy making the can of food opening noise.  it is the ONLY add I've had for a couple months.  over and over.  I don't have a cat, wont get a cat.  I thought by our station list and other spying means we would get relevant ads.  I have e mailed or messaged customer service, only reply is to upgrade to paid version.  I have had Pandora since 2008 and have downloaded I heart and will try that.  sad. I don't mind ads but get me an ad that i may use.   



0 Kudos

Local Performer

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, I keep hearing the same Stelara ad, it's been 5 times TODAY and I've only been listening for 2 hours....PLEASE LET US DOWN VOTE AND STOP REPETITIVE ADS. 

and don't try to up sell me your subscription service, 

0 Kudos

Local Performer

There is an ad that plays every break and it completely changes my concentration and destroys my mood. I suffer from Misophonia and the ad for Tide hygienic clean with Jason Alexander/George Costanza as a sweater. The Ad starts with a dog slobberishly drinking. I use Pandora to block out the noises from my office and in particular a noisy drinker/eater close by. Please Please Please find any other ad to play and stop this one. The ad played while writing this, if that helps with finding the ad.


0 Kudos

Local Performer

The Tide ad is driving me insane. I could tolerate it the first 50 times I heard it, but now it's pure torture. It doesn't help that it runs at least once an hour. I hit mute now when it comes on. 

My suggestions:

1 Air it less so it doesn't totally turn everyone off to Pandora

2 Tide - have your marketing agency come up with new commercials. You've totally oversaturated your audience and are now harming your brand.

0 Kudos

Local Performer

Someone please help!  How do I stop the same commercial from playing over and over and over (and over) again?  The Five Hour Energy Radio commercial that starts out with "Do you hate mornings?" has been the only commercial playing for over six months after every 4 or 5 songs.  It's driving me insane.  How do I at least get different commercials to play?   Thank you 

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