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Ad Feedback - Repetitive Ads

Local Performer

Pandora please, cancel your Tide ad "coffee stain on my white shirt"

It is the most irritating ad I have ever heard in my life, I can't believe how ubiquitous it is in my car, on TV, and the internet.  Literally told my wife to stop buying Tide products because of it, and change channels to try to avoid that corny frustrating advert.  The actor/singer in it should be ashamed.

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83 Replies

Local Performer

The advertisements for Downy rinse a& refresh and Olay body wash are so bad I actually make an effort to mute the sound when they come on.


I've gotten pretty fast to mute the: Gain Flings ad with the weasal 'male' voice talking about not knowing if the lady or the man is his soulmate, the BackStreetBoys Downey Rinse and Refresh acapella that is SOOOO obnoxious.  Pandora is unfairly trying to push me to subscribe and I'm so put out by these 2 TERRIBLE AND AGGRAVATING commercials every 15m that now on just PRINCIPLE I won't subscribe!!!  Pandora has shown they don't give a flip about me REPEATEDLY now!!!

Local Performer

I work in a small design studio with 5 designers and we listen to pandora through the day. No one cares about the commercials… except the one is SO so so bad and on constant repetition. I think it gets played more than music. We made a “no pandora” pact and bought a Spotify subscription. 
I have pandora on my Sonos at home but the downy commercial is so repetitive here too. I came on to see if I could specify type of ads or add some variety to them (again I don’t mind them). From all the responses it looks like they just push the paid subscription. 
I know it’s irrational but this commercial actually makes me not like Pandora itself… I just bought a year of Apple Music. 

0 Kudos

Local Performer

I would like a certain Ad to no longer be played on my pandora. It’s about having a baby, I had a miscarriage last year and it’s triggering for me. I can’t seem to find a button to report or move the ad. It’s making me not want to use pandora.

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Local Performer

That commercial makes me cringe. I lower the sound when it comes on. Why would anyone in marketing think it's good?

I'm done with Pandora mainly because of this.

0 Kudos

Local Performer

Please stop playing the disturbing "smushy butt" commercial. It's the worst. 

Local Performer

How can I remove a repetitive ad without upgrading?

I don't mind ads on my pandora because they are decent and not super long but honestly, if I have to hear the vaccine testimonies one more time, I might scream.  Is there a way to skip this ad or advertise something else for me?  It's a little much!

0 Kudos


Cristina... you can't remove or even 'adjust to my purchase history' any of Pandora Ads because they will continue to run a few really obnoxious Ads for those of us who can't justify/warrant/afford $5/mo subscription.  It is ABSOLUTELY driving me crazy and I've started to listen to Spotify as I am very put out hearing the BackStreetBoyz sing acapella about Downey for the 60th time today, or the weasel/spineless/moronic voice on the Gain Flings commercial [... I knew one of them (a man & a woman was his choice) was my soulmate"}.   KILLIN' ME and I'm aaaaaalmost gone from Pandora... that'll SHOW 'EM!!!  (like they EVEN care)


I agree it’s the worst, most annoying ad ever made. Shameful.  Both Pandora and Tide should be ashamed.  I have to mute it every time.  I refuse to buy anything Tide.   There’s no excuse for keeping these horribly obnoxious ads running nonstop.    Shame on all.  

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Opening Act

Aside from the continual push to get us to pay for service, I know there's a way to get repetitive ads to stop playing as often. I'm appalled that the fix hasn't been posted here. For me, right now, it's the "it's the sheets" ad. Plays every freaking time there's an ad break. It's bad enough that it's a plain obnoxious ad. But it's worse that it plays every time. I don't even know what they're advertising. I just know it's dryer "SHEETS". Shut up already about the friggin' sheets 😅 

Anyway, it seems like it's a matter of clearing cookies or a cache or something. I'm using the Pandora skill on Alexa. I tried clearing the cache for Pandora on my phone and tablet. But it didn't work. So how about the Pandora folks tell us about the fix that doesn't require us to pay to remove ads? 

0 Kudos

Local Performer

Yes, please Pandora, provide some variety in the ads that you play.  It gets really annoying to hear the same ads over and over and over.  


I run Pandora at work to break the room silence and they play the tide pods - "pass me that intercom thing" ad just about after every single song. The ad is stupid to begin with, so it was annoying from the get-go, but I literally heard it 100 times in the past week alone!  Now, when it comes up, I close out Pandora completely.

Pandora, please get different ads!!

0 Kudos

Local Performer

Repetitive Tide Pods and Downy Rinse and Refresh ads

I hear the same ads for these products at least 5 times per hour, every hour, over and over and over...

Other less annoying ads get played too, but these two stick out, especially the Back Street Boys one, which is so aggressively smarmy that it is intolerable.

Is this by design? Are you deliberately playing these ads excessively, hoping that frustrated listeners will upgrade so that they don't have to endure them any longer?

Neither ad has convinced me to buy the products, and I suspect others feel the same way.

I don't mind ads, so long as there are a variety of them, repeated less often.

Is AI to blame? I can't imagine a human being so evil as to torture the listener in this fashion.


Local Performer

Ha! I stopped buying Tide products because of Pandora ads too.

I can’t hear the product name Tide or Gain without cringing and becoming physically irritated. Must be like Pavlov’s dog response: irrational annoyance at the mention of a brand name. 


I wanted to respectfully ask how much longer you're going to play that super-annoying Tide Pods "Pass me that intercom thing" ad?  I play Pandora at work and I hear that ad at least 100 times a week.  The ad is stupid to begin with, but hearing it this often is agonizing.

And it's not like I can get away from it.  If I close Pandora out and re-open it, the ad picks up where it left off.

On the Rise

They will play the add as long as Proctor & Gamble continues to pay for the add to be aired. However, there is a very easy way to avoid all adds. 


Local Performer

How much would it cost me per month to never hear the Volmerety (you know the one I’m talking about) commercial again for the rest of my life. Yer killing me with that!!. Add free Pandora subscription price is what I’m asking about I guess?????? 

0 Kudos

Local Performer

The same with the vumerity add. OMG! they are Killing me with that! Whatever it’s called. 

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Pandora, please, for the love of god, stop playing that stupid tide pods ad!

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Local Performer

I don’t like these ads. How do I remove them?

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