This is very annoying. Apparently Pandora has more Spanish speaking listeners in my area than English. I get. Orr Spanish ads than English.
that balcony about the ad operations team working on a solution. I have a solution - cut down the number of Spanish speaking ads.
This is a great response, dude. I see that you used to be an active member and contributed a bunch of great observations. Why aren't you commenting any more?
Same for me, twinpeaks1965. Other than 12 pages of asking individual customers to spend their own valuable time sending screenshots, I can't see that any action has been taken, and the problem doesn't seem to be any closer to being solved in 2024 than it was when it was reported back in 2021.
At least the forum allows us users to identify that "this isn't the solution," which is a great feature.
It’s 2024. I’m still having these issues. Have they got to the bottom of it yet??
I took a trip to Mexico in 2021 at which I never played anything in spanish i played my normal music. Since that trip pandora thinks i speak spanish and now shows only and plays only spanish ads which is frustrating. At one point when i returned to the US Pandora app had to changed my app language too. Im using a mobile phone. I was able to fix the language of the app back to english but Is there a fix to change the advertisements back to english.. i cant understand the ads..
@usgodsson I moved your post over to this existing thread: Ad Feedback - Spanish Ads
If you are receiving Spanish ads on your account, we're happy to look into it for you.
The next time a Spanish ad plays on your account, please send over:
Thanks for working with us on this.
I’m over being patient with the Spanish ads. PLEASE FIX! I used to love listening to Pandora but this has me wanting to switch to Amazon, Spotify or iHeart. I’ve been listening to Happy station, but it happens on all of them.
@CCTexan Thanks for sending that over.
To clarify, did that ad in your screenshot play today?
Let me know.
Apparently this issue has lasted years but I still getting ads in Spanish.
Why do I have Spanish commercials. I don't want them in Spanish and I have everything set in English
Lose the spanish ads!!!
You should have a language preference (or screw that language) button so we only have to listen to commercials in our own language that we can understand! It wouldn't take much for your code-writers to accommodate us as it is apparent that many of us have complained about this obtrusive annoyance!!!! -and we shouldn't have to provide you a screen shot of anything--you know you have the $%#@ spanish ads!!!
Moderator Edit: Merged posts, Format
Well, it's now 2024 and I hear more Spanish Ads than ever. Might have to just stop using Pandora. It's not like these ads that I don't understand are doing any good for the seller than annoy people that used to love Pandora radio....I get that Pandora has to pay the bills, but these spanish ads are driving me nuts.
Your solution doesn't really make sense. I have NO spanish stations and I'm not spanish. Spanish speakers should opt-in to spanish ads. This is an English speaking country.
Where do we send info to get the Spanish ads take off our profile?
12:30 cst..Spanish ad for Lowe's on my own ENGLISH SPEAKING CHANNEL (Van Morrison)...I CAN’T STAND THIS & tho I screenshoted the ad...WHERE DO I SEND IT???!!!
@kamolitor You can attach a screenshot of that ad when replying to this thread.
Please note you won't be able to attach images via email - you will need to open this Community link in a web browser in order to provide attachments.
Thanks for working with us on this.
@kamolitor It looks like your last message didn't contain in image (images cannot be attached when replying via email).
Please open this community thread in a web browser on either a computer or your phone to attach an image in your reply.
If you reply via email, your image will not appear in your community reply.
Thanks again!
The solution is simple, create a selection between Spanish and English ads. Let the listener decide. As a Spanish language speaker, I despise your Spanish adds. They sound as though they are created and recorded in a similar fashion like when you go to countries like Mexico or somewhere in Central America, where it is very popular to play them out loud in the middle of the plaza.
I can't stand them, it is an insult to my intelligence to listen to adds that are directed to people with much lower standards. I am not a special person, but your adds are just low class and they take away the experience of listening to Pandora. Let those Spanish or English speakers decide what they want to listen in whichever language they select. Why do you force these type of adds on a fine streaming station like this?
Please remove Spanish adds immediately!!!
How to I change the language on my ads? They are predominantly Spanish speaking and I speak English only.
@beck6202 While that is not currently a feature, I recommend upvoting this existing idea if you'd like to see it added to the service: Ideas: Choose Types of Ads/ Rate Ads
In the meantime, I'd be happy to help look into this further on my end.
The next time a Spanish ad plays on your account, please send over:
Make sure to follow up with all 3 pieces of information requested above, or else we won't be able to look into it further.
Thanks for working with us on this.