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Ad inquiry - Locating a recently played ad

Local Performer

How can I find an ad I heard on Pandora?


Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity

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132 Replies

Local Performer

What was the ad for? Do you remember the brand, product, event or website name? It was an ad for the Pandora streaming app itself.
Do you remember anything specific that was said or mentioned in the ad? It talked about joy and finding joy
What additional information are you looking for about the ad? I would like the language of the ad. I don't need to listen to it if I can just read the language
How are you accessing Pandora? Are you on a computer, phone, tablet or in-home device (TV, Xbox, Blu-ray player, etc.)? phone
Was it a visual ad, an audio ad, or a video ad with audio? audio. I was listening. It it was visual I wasn't looking at the app to see the visual part of the ad
Which of your station(s) did you hear/see it on? Ben Rector
What day did this advertisement play? Thursday, January 6, 2022, 1:30-1:45PM PST

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Local Performer

I heard a Peloton ad on Pandora offering a great discount.  I am trying to figure out how to give Pandora credit for my purchase and take advantage of the discount.  Peloton denies knowledge of any discount offer.  HELP!  My wife is making me crazy -- she wants her Peloton.  🙂

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Push_push I checked in with our Ads team about this, and unfortunately, that promo with Peloton ended on 01/09/22.

We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer


I am looking for an ad about building a home to repair it, and the company will finance it and repair it too. Then they refinance it back to you. I think the name of the company is one word, it's a creative one. 

Be great to know who this company is.

Thanks ahead. 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Tsinghpando Do you remember what day this ad played, and around what time?

Also, was it an audio, video or display advertisement?

Let me know.

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

Hi Adam

I heard an add while playing One Republic Radio on Pandora yesterday and I want to reach out to the company in that ad.  I heard it between 3:27 and 4:15 PM on 4/20/22 in the Orlando market while listening on my iPhone and running/exercising.  So it was an audio advertisement.

I made a mental note to follow up on it but my memory is failing me!!  I simply don't remember what it was but I do remember that is was important to me.

Please let me know if you can just send me a list of the ads played at that time. 






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Community Manager
Community Manager

@alahnston If you are looking for more information on a particular advertisement you heard on Pandora, we'd be happy to look into it for you.

Please include as much of the below information as possible:

  1. What was the ad for? Do you remember the brand, product, event or website name?
  2. Do you remember anything specific that was said or mentioned in the ad?
  3. What additional information are you looking for about the ad?

Let me know what you can remember.

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer


I also answered this in an email so I apologize for any confusion.

I don't remember the ad I heard during my run yesterday.   I made a mental not to follow up and check out the product but I can't remember what it was.

So I was hoping to just get a list of ads played during that time yesterday and then I can google them if necessary to get to the product I was interested in yesterday.



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Local Performer

I am currently playing the Sex radio station and around 2:10 PM an ad was playing for a product/place/thing I am unsure of. All I remember is in the ad it was a girl talking to a guy and they were talking with H’s in front of their words to make it funny. For example: instead of saying the word one they’d say it like “hwon.” I remember one word they used which was “homina.” My friend would find the ad very funny which is why I’m trying to find it. Thanks! 

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@alahnston Here are a list of ads that played for you during that time period:

  • Grocery delivery from Kroger.
  • Pandora house ad for a one-month free trial of ad-free.
  • Different Pandora house ad for a one-month free trial of ad-free.

Hope this helps!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

I recently heard an ad for Joy drug by “umbrella corps” it was incredibly real lol I was ready to call my dr to find about it until the umbrella corps part.  Could you help me find the ad.  I’d like to show it to my buddy.  

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Jasonm2 It looks like the ad you were referring to was for the Resident Evil series on Netflix.

Hope this helps!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

Hi I was wondering if there was a link to an ad that we heard on pandora earlier today.

The ad was about the resident evil joy pill.

We listened to it on my boyfriends pandora on his phone and it was just an audio.

It sounded like an actual pill commercial at first, so we were trying to find it again to show a friend.



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Local Performer

I am also looking for this audio

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Local Performer

I am also looking for this audio ad. The product was Joy for Umbrella Corp, advertising the new release of the Resident Evil series on Netflix. Please send a link to the audio!

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Local Performer

Heard it today and was able to record!

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Local Performer

I want to find the chicken and cheese kfc ad i heard today a few times 

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Local Performer

About a “surrealist tv show” , advertised yesterday 9/17!

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@Sorowo To clarify, are you looking for the name of the TV show?

If so, please include as much of the below information as possible:

  1. What was the ad for? Do you remember the brand, product, event or website name?
  2. Do you remember anything specific that was said or mentioned in the ad?
  3. What additional information are you looking for about the ad?
  4. Was it an audio ad, or a video ad?

Let me know what you can remember.

Adam | Community Moderator
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Local Performer

Hey Adam. Looking to find ad details. 
I randomly heard it, mid day, only part I can recall was “This is Susan, she just started here and is going to fix all our problems at this firm, but unfortunately she’s leaving as she just put in her 2 weeks notice” happened around 9/17 to 9/22. Was just audio for me but I wasn’t looking at my iphone, which was my means of travel to pandora.

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