I recently lost my job I'm not sure if it was because of the covid19 coming around or not but however I got kicked out if my place and now I just was told my subscription ran up on pandora it's not really a big deal but playing offline really helps. Is there anything pandora will do or are there any free trials going around. Pandora keeps me sane homeless and blah
Moderator Edit: Edited title for clarity, Removed Personal Info
I don't understand why but I never get abs for get Pandora for 3 months for 99 cents or $1.99 or for free just as long as you put on the fast playlist or listen to this ad for 1 hour of uninterrupted music I don't know shucks I'm beginning to think my Pandora doesn't like me or I'm being hacked hmmm..... Help please????
@PuppyCummings I moved your post to this thread to keep the Community organized: Am I eligible for any free trials?
To see if you're eligible for longer trials or upgrade to Pandora Premium, you can visit this page. (I'd recommend doing that from a computer rather than a mobile device, if you have the option.)
I will also have someone from our support team contact you privately via email to help look into this further with you.
Please keep an eye out for their message.