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RESOLVED: iOS: Music Stops After Ad Plays using AirPlay

Opening Act

I have a similar problem (or it may be the same problem, but with an additional observation). My airplay stream will work fine until a commercial break happens. The commercials play properly, but when the music is supposed to start, the player on my phone shows that things are working properly, but no audio is sent to the airplay device. If I leave it in that state, the audio will start again after the NEXT commercial set plays. So it is as if the player as set is volume to 0, or muted itself between commercial breaks. This only happens over airplay streaming, and only from my iOS device. Attempts to adjust the volume does not have an effect.


mod edit: changed title for clarity

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196 Replies

Opening Act

Been posting about this problem for months.  When connected to AirPlay music does not return to playing after commercials.  App still thinks it playing but app needs closed and reopened and reconnect to Airplay and we are good till end of next commercial break.  

My household has multiple accounts with pandora and we have many AirPlay devices abs we have many IPhones or various modules.  This occurs on all.  When we launch Amazon music and connect to AirPlay no issues.  I have no issues with Apple Music and AirPlay. 

My information has been traced and sent to the Engineering team many times.  Issue still not resolved and when I connect to AirPlay I don’t use Pandora.  

Any idea when this will be fixed? I have check with some of my friend and all have same issue with AirPlay.  

I have done all troubleshooting steps from your forums many times. Please advise as I am about to just delete Pandora and got with another solution.  


Tried with my wife's iPhone 10.  Same issue, although she is running iOS 14 and Pandora 2106.1.

Also... a correction to my previous posts.  After a commercial break, the sound stops playing over the Airplay device.   Switching the sound output to the phone results in sound being played through the phone.  BUT switching back to Airplay does NOT result in sound through Airplay device.  I have to close  out and restart the Pandora app and then sound immediately starts to pay through the Airplay device.

Local Performer

Yes, thank you. This is basically exactly what I'm experiencing. I did the troubleshooting as well. It's a real bummer. 

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Local Performer

Please remove this post and all others using this email address.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for providing those details, @Janettoole. I've gone ahead and shared this with our engineering team. We appreciate your patience during this process. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Opening Act

Another clue:

When the issue happens (silence over airplay when there should be music), if I ask Siri on my iPhone "What is playing" I get back information that matches what the Pandora app on the phone says should be playing. But if I ask Siri on my HomePod (my Airplay target) it says "This is Advertisement by . Your station will be right back")

Opening Act

Any idea when this will be fixed?

Apple Music, Amazon Music, and Spotify don’t have these issues.  

Still not resolved, been an issue for many months.   I have followed all steps in different IPhones and different AirPlay devices music starts for a few songs commercials and than quiet.  Sometimes hour or more later music will start then quiet.  Force close Pandora app and restate AirPlay will resume than commercial and quiet.  

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I honestly think that it's a tactic to make you upgrade to Pandora Plus if you want to use it with devices that use AirPlay/Bluetooth. 

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Followed the same trouble shooting procedures and no luck either.

Sent from my iPad
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Opening Act

Pandora had another update to the app earlier this month. I have confirmed that the issue this thread is about is still present in the version 2205.1.

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Sent from my iPad
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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi, @davidacox @Larry-G. 👋

I completely understand your frustration and have sent you each a private message. 

Thank you again for your patience while this is being worked on. 🎧

Alyssa | Community Manager
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Opening Act

@AlyssaPandora I certainly do not intend to come across as frustrated in my posts here, and I apologize if I have. I am simply attempting to stay engaged with the issue, and continue to look for clues that may help the engineering team. I understand that they must be very busy, and that the add-supported version of Pandora is not likely to be as prioritized as issues that are impacting customers who have a paid subscription. You never know when some little tidbit will be the thing that catches someones eye and helps them realize what the root cause of the issue is :).

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Local Performer

I'm still experiencing this problem.  Any chance and update since 4/21/22 can be provided?

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Opening Act

Apple has released a new firmware version for the iPod (15.5.1). I have tested against this new version, and the problem is still present.

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Local Performer

I am having the same issue where the streamer has to be restarted after an ad.  I am running Pandora on an IPhone 12 (Software version 15.5).  Also, I have gone through troubleshooting suggestions noted in the thread including deleting and re-installing the app.  Is Pandora having the same issue for paid subscriptions users?  Thanks.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

@rkkersh Your feedback has now been added to the ticket we have open with the engineers who are looking into this.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!

Adam | Community Moderator
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Opening Act
My understanding is that all paid accounts do not have adds, and so
this would not be an issue that they would ever see. As far as I have
been able to tell, this issue seems to impact all users of the add
supported tier, although we did have one person comment on this thread
in a way that implied that there were NOT seeing this issue on their
account. But they did not follow up on questions.
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Local Performer

I’ve been having the same problem. Disappointing to see no progress on the resolution. If not addressed soon I suggest we all go to a different music site.

Local Performer

Please remove your use of my email address in your reply and remove all of my comments from Pandora Community. Thank you!

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